Department of Transportation

Speed Limits For State Roads

Route I - 495
(a) The rate of speed designated for the certain parts of State Highway Route I-495 described in this subsection are hereby established and adopted as the maximum legal rate of speed:
1. In Hudson County:
NOTE: State Highway Route I-495 is under New Jersey Turnpike Authority (NJTA) jurisdiction from approximate mileposts 0.00 to 0.78.
i. In the Township of North Bergen:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 50 MPH between the New Jersey Department of Transportation- New Jersey Turnpike Authority jurisdictional line and the North Bergen Township-City of Union City corporate line (Route NJ 3) (approximate mileposts 0.78 to 1.23); thence
ii. In the City of Union City:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 50 MPH between the North Bergen Township-City of Union City corporate line and the New Jersey Department of Transportation- Port Authority of New York and New Jersey jurisdictional line (approximate mileposts 1.23 to 1.87).
NOTE: State Highway Route I-495 is under Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (PANYNJ) from approximate mileposts 1.87 to 3.45 (Lincoln Tunnel) (end of route).

Last updated date: April 17, 2020 8:28 AM