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   I. Member Activities  Goal Action Steps
A. State Officers will appear before local chapters and other appropriate groups Each officer will make at least six (6) appearances.
  1. Officers will develop presentation and speech outlines.
  2. Use visual aides when appropriate.
B. State Officers will wear Official Dress at official events State officers will follow the guidelines in the Official FFA Manual.
  1. The State Association will provide FFA jackets to State Officers.
  2. Proper use of jacket will be exhibited at all times.
  3. State Officers will serve as role models for chapter members on Official Dress.
C. Chapter Visits Visit all priority chapters.
  1. Have state staff organize and present chapter visitation training for state officers after Blast Off.
  2. Assign State Officers to chapters.
  3. State Officers contact advisors to determine the objectives of visit.
  4. Officers will confer with state staff to review membership and chapter status prior to a visit.
  5. At the visit, officers' goals are to promote FFA opportunities and membership growth.
D.  Membership Have a 10% increase on an annual basis.
  1. Encourage graduating seniors to pursue the 3+1 membership plan to maintain membership after high school.
  2. Provide incentives to chapters through recognition.
E. Dues All Agricultural Education students should be FFA members.
  1. Establish dues at a reasonable price.
  2. Promote membership during chapter visits.
F.  Leadership Workshops State officers will plan, conduct or participate in training workshops for members.
  1. Chapter Officer Leadership Training in the fall.
  2. Participate in the Made for Excellence, Advanced Leadership Development and State Officer Candidates' School in the spring.
  3. Leadership workshop at State Convention
  II. State Activities Goals Action Steps
A.  Leadership Training for State Officers All officers will be prepared to represent the NJ FFA Assoc.
  1. Emphasize officers' roles, duties and responsibilities.
  2. All officers must attend the State Officer Leadership Training sponsored by the Alumni in June.
  3. All officers must attend BLAST Off.
  4. State President and Vice President will attend the State Presidents' Conference.
  5. All officers must attend the National Leadership Conference for State Officers (NLCSO).
  6. Participate in one (1) winter workshop.
  7. Participate in speech and retiring address workshops.
B.  Calendar of Events Make available to all chapters.
  1. Provide date, location and time of each event at the start of each new school year.
  2. Send monthly reminders out with the minutes and agendas via email.
C.  State Convention Proceedings  Provide copy to each chapter.
  1. To be completed by the Retiring State FFA Secretary.
  2. Complete by September 1.
D.  State Convention Hold annually.
  1. Conduct official business.
  2. Select members from the delegate body to serve on convention committees.
  3. Send delegate packets four (4) weeks prior to the convention.
  4. Help members increase knowledge of parliamentary procedure.
  5. Provide a leadership workshop for members during the convention.
E.  National FFA Convention Have State Association represented.
  1. Select delegates from the current State Officer team.
  2. Have a National Officer Candidate annually.
  3. Have chapters participate in Career Development Events.
  4. Encourage members to apply to the National Band and Chorus.
  5. Select State Scholarship winner.
  6. Have a state booth in the Hall of States.
  7. Have at least two (2) candidates achieve the American Degree each year.
  8. Have at least 5 applicants for National Proficiency Awards each year.
F.  FFA Foundation Develop a stronger bond between the State Association and the Foundation.
  1. Have 1 state officer and 1 Executive Committee member serve on the Foundation Board annually.
  2. Involve the Foundation in State Association activities.
G.  FFA Alumni Help increase Alumni membership, involvement, and award programs.
  1. Encourage FFA chapters to form Alumni Affiliates.
  2. Promote the Washington Leadership Conference Scholarship to members.
  3. Encourage the FFA Alumni to continue conducting leadership training workshops for state officers.
  4. Request that Alumni officers and members serve as judges/coordinators for FFA events.
  5. Have one (1) representative from the state association serve on the State FFA Alumni.
  6. Have state officers assist with Alumni fundraisers such as the annual golf tournament.
H. VSO Council To share ideas, resources and contacts with other New Jersey Vocational Student Organizations
  1. Have one (1) state officer attend all VSO meetings.
  2. Have all state officers participate in the NJ VSO Conference.
  3. Invite State Officers from other NJ VSOs to NJ FFA Activities such as the State FFA Convention.
I. NJ Agricultural Education Advisory Council Increase communication on all levels of the FFA organization.
  1. Have one (1) State Officer represent the state association on the Council.
  2. Share agricultural education issues with fellow state officers.
J.  Promote chapter communication with the state association through forms and applications  
  1. Request Program of Activities, Officer Lists, Dues and Rosters from every chapter.
  2. Encourage chapters to apply for National Chapter Award.
  III. Community Activities Goals Action Steps
A. Promote good public relations Inform the agriculture and general public about Agricultural Education/FFA.
  1. Become more involved with agricultural and non-agricultural groups.
  2. Develop three (3) newsletters annually and publish them online.
  3. Involve NJDA employees in state events.
  4. Keep state displays up-to-date.
  5. Distribute NJ Ag Ed and NJ FFA promotional material.
  6. Promote the State FFA website and maintain up-to-date information.
  7. Market NJ Agricultural Education through the use of the Ag Ed logo on shirts, portfolios, pens, etc.
B.  Organizational Relationships Build strong ties with industry organizations.
  1. Promote FFA Alumni Association through presentations, golf tournament, and guest speakers.
  2. Request guest speakers at state meetings from the NJ Ag Society, the NJ Farm Bureau, the Office of the Secretary, NJDA, and the NJ State Grange
  3. Have state officers attend the NJ Ag Convention where the State President delivers a speech to convention delegates
C. Honorary Degrees Select the Honorary State and American Degree Candidates.
  1. To be selected by the Executive Board and awarded at the annual state and national FFA conventions.