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In 2013 DCF endorsed Prevent Child Abuse-New Jersey's (PCA-NJ) Sexual Abuse Safe Child Standards to protect children from sexual abuse.  To begin putting these standards to work we formed a multi-disciplinary workgroup to make specific and realistic recommendations to help youth-serving organizations adopt PCA-NJ's standards.

In September 2014 after surveying our provider community, DCF advised that for our partners that need assistance to adopt the standards, we're committed to making available tools and resources.  As a result, we are happy to announce that DCF, in partnership with Prevent Child Abuse New Jersey is offering a webinar for provider agencies' leadership to participate in.  The free webinar  will be offered on two dates:

Interested attendees would simply complete the online registration to register for the webinar. After registration, you will receive a confirmation email that will include the link to access the webinar and the conference call information.

We all share a common mission to ensure the safety and success of New Jersey's children.  These standards are important to our collective efforts to shield them from harm.