FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, April 13, 2015

Main Street New Jersey to Host the 61st New Jersey Downtown Institute Workshop 

Workshop Teaches How to Build Your Business Through Customer Engagement 

Trenton, NJ – Registration is still open for the spring 2015 New Jersey Downtown Institute workshop presented by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs’ (DCA) Main Street New Jersey program. This three-hour seminar, themed "Today’s Consumer Expectations - What You NEED To Know To Grow Your Business," will teach participants how to build their business, organization or district through customer engagement. This event will take place on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 in Maple Shade and Montclair, a 2015 Great American Main Street Award winner.  

This workshop will offer the following sessions:

  • Know Today's Consumers: What They Are Thinking, Doing, and Saying - And How It Impacts Your Business
  • Measuring and Managing Customer Engagement to Create Lasting Loyalty
  • Do it Today: Low-Hanging Fruit to Organic Sales Growth 

Participants will learn how to engage employees and customers using simple strategies and tactics to boost business outcomes.

"This NJ Downtown Institute, presented by Main Street New Jersey, offers downtown management organizations beneficial technical assistance and training to help them create vibrant places that people want to patronize," said DCA Acting Commissioner Charles A. Richman. "It’s a strategy that works."

The workshop will be taught by Pamela Herrman, a customer acquisition & retention expert. Pamela has over 25 years as an entrepreneur, inventor, social media expert, and best-selling author. She is devoted to helping companies create an exceptional customer experience and increasing sales and profits.  Pamela melds consumer behavior, business best practices and Internet marketing together into one.

This workshop is designed for business district management organizations, chambers and other municipal, county and regional leaders whether staff or volunteers. Those new to downtown management are also encouraged to attend.

The program in Montclair will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the Montclair Library. The program in Maple Shade will be held from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Café Fontana. Both towns are Main Street New Jersey communities. This session is pending 2.75 credits from the New Jersey American Planning Association.

The DCA Main Street New Jersey program, established in 1989, is a revitalization program that promotes the historic and economic redevelopment of traditional business districts in New Jersey. The Improvement District program helps businesses and property owners of a community to organize as a single entity, raise funds for activities that enhance or expand upon municipal services, and manage themselves to become a more effective destination for commerce.

Promotional partners for the seminar are the New Jersey American Planning Association, Downtown New Jersey, Classic Towns of Greater Philadelphia and Transit Village Initiative.

For more information and to register in North Jersey, please visit:

For more information and to register in South Jersey, please visit:

Tammori Petty or
Emike Omogbai
(609) 292-6055