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Range Improvements at Millville WMA


Millville Range Shooting Stations July 29, 2020

The Division is excited to unveil the recently renovated public firearm range located on Millville Wildlife Management Area. The upgraded training range is now open to licensed hunters and their guests. Upon arrival at the range, shooters will immediately notice:

  • A covered firing-line
  • Eight new individual shooting stations, including one ADA-compliant station
  • Reinforced downrange concrete baffles
  • Improved parking area

The Millville WMA firearm range is unique, as it is the longest (just over 200 yards) range managed by the Division. The new bench rests and seats provide a stable platform for shooters to hone their skills at the longer distances. Downrange baffles and target berms eliminate the potential for bullets to travel beyond the backstop. These enhancements will increase the safety and maximize the enjoyment of recreational shooters.

The improvements made at the Millville range create a safe and user-friendly experience for adults and youth alike, and allow the Division to provide additional shooting opportunities to the public including the use of centerfire ammunition up to and including.30 caliber. The improvements were made possible with state dedicated conservation funding and revenue from the federal Wildlife Restoration Program, generated from the purchase of hunting and target shooting equipment and supplies. This is just one way that hunters and recreational shooters support conservation in New Jersey.

The Millville Wildlife Management Area public shooting range is located 2.8 miles West from the intersection of Ackeley Road and Buckshutem Road in Millville. GPS Coordinates are 39.3189, -75.0607.
Location Map (Google Maps)

Millville WMA Rifle Range  Millville WMA Rifle Range Shooting Station

Hunter Training Area/Range Information

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Copyright © State of New Jersey, 1996-2020
Department of Environmental Protection
P.O. Box 402
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402

Last Updated: July 29, 2020