Healthy New Jersey

Disaster Help

Disaster Fraud

Identity Theft

Identy Theft graphic

Identity theft occurs when your personal information is used without permission to commit crimes or other bad acts. After a disaster, this may include someone using your information without your knowledge or permission to register and apply for a disaster benefit.

The New Jersey State Police has information to protect yourself or respond if you think you are an identity theft victim. To learn more, visit New Jersey State Police - Identity Theft - Victim's Reference Guide.

What to do if you’re a victim of identity theft:

  1. Contact your police department, file a report, and obtain a case number. You may also file a report with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at, or call 877-ID-THEFT (877-438-4338).

    Police departments in New Jersey are required to take a report when you reasonably believe or suspect you are a victim of identity theft notwithstanding the fact that jurisdiction for prosecution or investigation may lie elsewhere. (N.J.S.A. 2C:21-17.6)

  2. Monitor your credit and contact the three national credit bureaus – Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. will guide you through the process for contacting these bureaus, placing a free fraud alert on your credit or freezing your credit, inspecting your credit report for free, closing fraudulent accounts opened in your name, and more.

  3. Visit New Jersey State Police - Identity Theft - Victim's Reference Guide for other steps to take, including regarding stolen checks or ATM cards, passport and driver’s licenses fraud, stolen or misused Social Security cards or numbers, and more.



Disaster-related scams

Disaster related scams take many forms, including exorbitant cost increases on essential goods and services in high demand after a crisis – a practice known as price gouging; unconscionable business practices in post-disaster clean up and repairs of homes and property; and phony charities purportedly set up to raise money for disaster victims.

Click here to review tips for flood victims and disaster survivors.

How to report excessive price increases (price gouging) or other disaster related scams:

Visit the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs website or call (973) 504-6240. State your name, contact information, nature of the complaint and the name and address of the business.


Reporting Waste, Fraud, or Abuse

Reporting Graphic

For emergencies, dial 911.


State of New Jersey Directory

Office of the State Comptroller

For waste, fraud, and abuse of State funds or programs

  (855) OSC-TIPS

Web complaint form


Division of Consumer Affairs

For reporting excessive price increases (price gouging) or other disaster related scams

  (973) 504-6240

Web complaint form


Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor

For reporting specific information about individuals or entities who may be committing Medicaid or insurance fraud

  1-877-55-FRAUD (877 553-7283)

Web complaint form

NJ Office of the Attorney General
Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor
P.O. Box 094
Trenton, NJ  08625-0094


Federal Directory

National Center for Disaster Fraud

For reporting excessive price increases (price gouging) or other disaster related scams

  (866) 720 5721

Web Complaint Form

National Center for Disaster Fraud
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4909


Federal Emergency Management Agency

To report suspicions of fraud, waste and abuse to FEMA’s Fraud Investigations and Inspections Division

  (866) 720 5721

Disaster Fraud |

Fax: (202) 212-4926

400 C Street SW
Suite 7SW-1009
Mail Stop 3005
Washington D.C., 20472-3005


US Small Business Administration, Office of Inspector General
To report suspicions of fraud, waste and abuse to SBA

  (800) 767-0385

Web Complaint Form

Office of Inspector General
409 3rd Street, SW, Suite 7150
Washington, DC 20416


Other Federal Agencies
Use this tool to Locate the OIG of the federal agency involved in your complaint, or submit it to the Government Accountability Office (GAO).


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