New Jersey Department of Education

New Jersey Temporary Certificate of Eligibility and Temporary Provisional Certificate for Teacher Certification Candidates

Candidates seeking initial teaching certificate(s) that require the passage of test(s) of basic skills and subject matter knowledge may be eligible for the Temporary Certificate of Eligibility (Temporary CE), allowing them to work in New Jersey public schools until July 31, 2021, by which time they must have taken and passed the required test(s) for the certificate sought to continue employment.

Temporary CE and Temporary Provisional Certificate

The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) recognizes that, due to COVID-19, educator candidates seeking certification may not have had an opportunity to demonstrate content knowledge or core academic skills on the required tests and thus were unable to meet these certification requirements.

The NJDOE established a Temporary Certificate of Eligibility (Temporary CE) and a Temporary Provisional Certificate, which will only be issued to candidates during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. The Temporary CE allows candidates to enter the workforce and to defer the deadline to meet assessment requirement(s) until July 31, 2021, at which time the Temporary CE and Temporary Provisional will expire.

Candidates who have met all requirements for a CE or Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS) but have not yet passed the basic skills test and/or test of subject matter knowledge are eligible for the Temporary CE. This group of candidates may include candidates who completed a program (typical CEAS candidates) or candidates who have not yet completed a program (typical CE candidates).

Candidates should only apply for the Temporary CE if they are not eligible for the typical CEAS or CE.

Temporary CE Requirements

To be issued a Temporary CE, candidates must meet all requirements for the Certificate of Eligibility for subject area endorsement sought, other than the subject matter knowledge and basic skills test(s), at the time of application. Requirements for the Temporary CE may include, but are not limited to:

  • Hold a bachelor’s degree.
  • Pass the Physiology and Hygiene Exam.
  • Demonstrate required overall cumulative Grade Point Average.
  • Demonstrate required number of appropriate content course credits for the endorsement sought. Endorsement areas are listed on the Certification and Induction webpage.
  • Pay the $190.00 application fee.

Temporary Provisional Certificate Requirements

A candidate who was issued a Temporary CE must be issued a Temporary Provisional Certificate within 60 days of beginning work as a teacher at a New Jersey School. Requirements for the Temporary Provisional Certificate are:

  • Hold a Temporary CE.
  • Enroll in or demonstrate completion of a preparation program.
  • Complete 50 hours of preservice as per educator preparation program requirements.
  • Attain an offer of employment at a New Jersey school.
  • District will enroll candidate into the provisional teacher process in Provisional Licensure Registration Management System (PLRMS).

Availability and Expiration of the Temporary Certificate of Eligibility and Temporary Provisional Certificate

The Temporary CE will only be issued during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. Candidates must apply for the Temporary CE in the endorsement area of the certificate sought and must meet all other requirements, including credit requirements, to be issued the certificate.

The Temporary CE and the Temporary Provisional Certificate expire on July 31, 2021. A renewal of a Temporary CE or the Temporary Provisional Certificate will not be permitted under any circumstance. Temporary CE and Temporary Provisional Certificate holders must meet all requirements for a typical CE or CEAS to convert a Temporary CE and Temporary Provisional Certificate to a typical CE or CEAS and typical Provisional Certificate prior to July 31, 2021.

Service Under a Temporary Provisional Certificate

Time candidates spend employed by a New Jersey school district in a role under a Temporary Provisional Certificate, as well as completion of the mentoring requirement, will count toward the requirements for earning a standard certificate if, and only if, the candidate completes the required test(s) and is issued a CE or CEAS and Provisional Certificate before July 31, 2021. This time may also be applied toward tenure.

Application Fees

Time candidates spend employed by a New Jersey school district in a role under a Temporary Provisional Certificate, as well as completion of the mentoring requirement, will count toward the requirements for earning a standard certificate if, and only if, the candidate completes the required test(s) and is issued a CE or CEAS and Provisional Certificate before July 31, 2021. This time may also be applied toward tenure.

Frequently Asked Questions




Current Requirement


Candidate Next Steps






6A:9B-8.2(a)4 and







Candidates entering CE educator preparation programs must complete by the start of the program the requirements for a CE, including the endorsement requirements.


Candidates must pass a test of subject matter knowledge for CE or CEAS.



Candidates must pass a basic skills test for CE.


Candidates must complete coursework and assessments to prove content knowledge to receive an instructional endorsement.

  • Create Temporary CE and Temporary Provisional Certificate.
  • The Temporary CE includes all CE requirements (at 6A:9B-8.3) except basic skills test and subject matter test(s).
  • Candidates for the Temporary CE need to meet all requirements for an endorsement besides the test of subject matter knowledge and the basic skills test.
  • The Temporary CE, and its accompanying Temporary Provisional, expire July 31, 2021.
  • Time employed under a Temporary Provisional shall be counted towards the time restraints for provisional certificates/provisional renewal under J.A.C. 6A:9B-8.4(f).
  • Candidates with a Temporary CE can enroll in a preparation program and seek employment.
  • To be issued a typical CE or CEAS, candidates must meet all requirements for a CE or CEAS including the basic skills and subject matter tests.
  • Candidates have until July 31, 2021 to pass the basic skills test and subject matter test(s) to earn a typical CE or CEAS and continue teaching.
  • Candidates with a Temporary CE can enroll in a preparation program and seek employment.
  • To be issued a typical CE or CEAS, candidates must meet all requirements for a CE or CEAS including the basic skills and subject matter tests.
  • Candidates have until July 31, 2021 to pass the basic skills test and subject matter test(s) to earn a typical CE or CEAS and continue teaching.

Page Last Updated: 06/30/2020 13:47:31

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