New Jersey Department of Education

NJDOE Virtual Professional Learning

In the face of COVID-19, The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) remains resolved in our commitment to provide a "Thorough and Efficient Education". The New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) ensures that our students are ready for college and careers by emphasizing high-level skills needed not only for tomorrow's world but critical for the challenges we face today. 

The Department is thrilled to collaborate with our excellent educators across the garden-state to create virtual professional learning sessions. The sessions provide a space to share and showcase some of the best practices in remote instruction. Additionally, it is a resource for our teachers as they engage, equip, and empower our students to achieve the goals set in the NJSLS during unprecedented times. 

The webpage is a living digital collection that will be updated as we receive sessions throughout the year. We encourage you to check back often to keep abreast of recent, results-oriented, and New Jersey-honed approaches to student-centered virtual pedagogy.

Topics for Fall 2020

Topics for Spring 2020

Please note that the New Jersey Department of Education has not approved the materials related to these resources. The resources are provided for informational and convenience purposes only. Neither the New Jersey Department of Education nor its officers, employees or agents specifically endorse, recommend or favor these resources or the companies/entities who have developed them.

Page Last Updated: 12/10/2024

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