Update your contact information, select a health plan, or get help by calling 1-800-701-0710 (TTY 1-800-701-0720)
Medical Assistance Customer Centers are available to provide customer service to NJ FamilyCare members and the public
Fraud and Abuse Hotline: Members, providers and the public can call to report Medicaid waste, fraud and abuse
1-888-937-2835 or 1-888-692-2140
Medicaid Health Benefits Identification (HBID) Card Requests:
Medicaid Dental Services: Providers only, call 609-588-7136; all others, call 1-800-701-0710
REVS - Recipient Eligibility Verification System: Providers can call to verify a member's Medicaid eligibility at 1-800-676-6562
Fiscal Agent Provider Services: Medicaid providers can contact the state's fiscal agent, Gainwell, for claims processing issues 1-800-776-6334
PAAD - Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled: Senior Citizens who need pharmaceutical assistance can call this program, administered by the Division of Aging Services 1-800-792-9745