Enterprise Business Systems Unit
The Department of Human Services has invested considerable resources in building a secure, three-tiered (web, application and database) IBM UNIX systems architecture to support key enterprise business initiatives. It is the responsibility of the Enterprise Business Systems Unit (EBSU) to provide systems, database and application server administration for over 75 IBM AIX servers and a myriad of Oracle, DB2 and SQL Server databases that comprise this architecture.
Specifically, EBSU provides:
- Systems administration and support for all DHS IBM UNIX servers at DHSCO, OIT’s HUB and several remote institutions.
- Database administration and support for both Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases running on servers at both DHSCO and OIT’s HUB.
- Application Server administration and support for Oracle 9 and 10 Application Servers, IBM’s Websphere Application Server and IBM’s Content Manager server software.
- Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) backup system services for the IBM server infrastructure.
- Disaster recovery services for the IBM server infrastructure.
- Provide tier 1 & 2 Service Desk database & operations support. IBM AIX UNIX systems support for servers located at DHS’s Central Office, OIT’s HUB and several institutions.
Applications and databases currently supported by the Enterprise Business Systems Unit include:
Department of Human Services Central Office applications such as:
- Asset Management
- Centralized Application Repository
- Computrition Food Management System
- Contract Management
- Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action (EEO-AA)
- Fingerprint System
- Infra Active Enterprise Help Desk
- Licensing Management
- Salary Monitoring
- Secure Web Services
- Unusual Incident Reporting
- Central Client Registry
Divisional applications such as:
- Staff Scheduling
- Statewide Lookup Program
- Real Life Choices System
- Consumer Service Recording (CSR) System
- Child Support Guidelines
- Federal Reporting System (FEDR)
- Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR) System
- Patient Census
- Centralized Screening
- Strategic Decision Making (SDM) System
- Closed Case Imaging
Planning and Implementation of large, multi-year legacy systems replacements such as:
- New Jersey Statewide Protective Investigation, Reporting and Information Tool (NJSPIRIT)
- Automated Child Support Enforcement System - (ACSES)
- Consolidated Assistance Support System (CASS)