The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (“MVC”) has instituted a Dealer Services Program (“DSP”) and a Dealer Online Service Program (“DOSP”) to improve operational efficiency and customer service by granting authorized providers the opportunity to provide certain services to motor vehicle dealers licensed by the State of New Jersey.
Program Providers who respond and are approved for the DSP will serve as “processing centers” for motor vehicle transactions remitted by subscribing and approved program participants (“Participating Dealers”). The DSP addresses the need for timely pickup, tracking, processing and delivery of motor vehicle transactions and documents for Participating Dealers. Program Providers will be responsible for transporting motor vehicle transactions and transaction related inventory to and from Participating Dealer locations. Program Providers will not be required to process a minimum number of transactions during the term of the Agreement; however, approved Program Providers shall be required to provide DSP services to any used or new car dealer who meets the Participating Dealer requirements.
Program Providers who respond and are approved for the DOSP will serve as “software solution providers”, enabling subscribing and approved program participants (“Participating Dealers”) to submit vehicle titling and registration transactions electronically to the MVC. The DOSP will address the need for delivery and tracking of MVC controlled inventory, pickup, tracking, and delivery of paperwork and documents supporting motor vehicle transactions processed by Participating Dealers. Program Providers will be responsible for transporting motor vehicle transaction- related documents and MVC controlled inventory to and from Participating Dealer locations. Program Providers will not be required to process a minimum number of transactions during the term of the Agreement; however,approved Program Providers shall be required to provide DOSP services to any used or new car dealer who meets the Participating Dealer requirements.
Dealers who wish to subscribe or have questions regarding either program should contact one of the APPROVED PROGRAM PROVIDERS. A dealer can subscribe to one or both of
the programs if that dealer meets the criteria shown below.
To subscribe to the DSP or the DOSP, a franchised dealer must:
To subscribe to the DSP an independent dealer must:
To subscribe to the DOSP an independent dealer must:
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Business License Services Bureau
PO Box 170
225 East State Street
Trenton, New Jersey 08666-0170
Upon acceptance of the application, the Program Provider will be required to sign and submit the DSP and/or DOSP Agreement provided.