You must meet the following qualifications and requirements before obtaining a new and used car dealership or a long term leasing license:
- Supply evidence of an established place of business – you must have an office with a desk, chair, landline telephone and a working safe to store motor vehicle documents.
- Your office size must be at a minimum 8 X 9 square feet.
- For a dealer license, you are required to maintain display space capable of showcasing a minimum of two vehicles – a leasing license is not required to maintain a display space.
- Your business must also have an exterior sign permanently affixed to the land or building consistent with local ordinances. The lettering must be legible from the roadway (not applicable to leasing).
- You are required to obtain a Franchise Agreement from the manufacturer which you must submit with your application (New Car Dealers Only).
- Applicants must submit the following:
- Copy of alternate/fictitious name filing certificate
- Copy of formation papers or corporate resolution
- Copy of driver's license for owners/officers/members/partners
- Copy of certificate of authority from Department of Treasury for out-of-state corporations and LLCs
- Copy of New Jersey Sales Tax Certificate of Authority
- Proof of issuance of federal taxpayer identification number from IRS
- Copy of deed, lease or purchase agreement for the premises to be licensed
- Copy of telephone bill for landline at premises to be licensed
The application process
- The initial and supplementary applications must be completed and signed by the owner, partners, members or corporate officers
- The supplementary applications include but are not limited to:
- Child support
- MVC Dealer Certification/Signature Card
- Fingerprint request notification form
- Business hours of operation
- Dealer Certification of licensed location type and proper walls
- The local municipality must approve the location and complete the municipal approval form.
- A Certificate of Insurance reflecting liability coverage in the amount of $100,000 - $250,000 for bodily injury and $25,000 for property damage is required at the time of approval and must specify the total number of plates
covered by the policy
- The certificate should read:
- NJMVC – Business Licensing Services Bureau, Dealer Unit, P.O. BOX 170, Trenton N.J. 08666.
- A $10,000 Surety Bond is required in your business name and address with an expiration date coinciding with the licensing year.
The Chief Administrator of the MVC may suspend or revoke your dealer or leasing license or registration privilege for non-compliance at any time under the statutes and regulations that govern their issuance. These include but are
not limited to:
- Sales from other non-licensed locations
- Failure to maintain records or ledgers at the licensed location
- Misuse of temporary registration certificates
- Misuse of re-assignment certificates
- Misuse of dealer plates (cannot be used for hire or commercial designed vehicles)
An applicant for an initial license will be examined in regards to his knowledge of the statutes and regulations that govern the buying, selling or dealing in motor vehicles in New Jersey. The purpose of the exam is to familiarize
the applicant with potential violations and will be given during the site investigation.