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World Trade Center Information

Important Phone Numbers and Locations

www.sept11help.org - comprehensive online directory of over 160 services, programs and agencies that are still available to individuals affected in various ways by the events of Sept. 11, 2001.

New Jersey's Task Force 1

Visit the NJ State Home Page for a list of phone numbers, services, and NJ State Agencies assisting WTC
victims and families.

The Justice Dept. has launched a new website that provides critical info to the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and their families. The Victims and Family Assistance website --- www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/terrorismvictimassistance --- offers info about emergency assistance, legal rights and services available to victims of federal crimes and provides updates on the progress of the criminal justice response to the attacks. It also includes information on coping with the emotional impact of the tragedy.

Emergency Management and Disaster Recovery Information

Information for Parents and Teachers

For information from the Federal Emergency Management Agency on how to talk to children about the threat of biological warfare or terrorist attack, click on this link:

One of the big questions facing parents and teachers is how to talk to children about the recent terrorist events in New York and Washington. For more information, click here:

If your children or students would like to submit to the Federal Emergency Management Agency their artwork, or support or sympathy to first responders or victims, click here:

The New York Times WebSite offers interdisciplinary lessons developed in partnership with The Bank Street College of Education in New York City. For grades 6-12.

The NJ University of Medicine and Dentisry Behavioral Health Care System has prepared information and guidance for helping children cope with the tragic events of September 11. To access this information
click on:

Information also is available through OVC's Family Assistance Call Center at 1-800-331-0075.

Helping Children With Tragedy

University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ Info on Post-Traumatic Stress for Children and Adults

The following documents have been prepared by the American Red Cross.

Coping With Disaster: Suggestions for Helping Children With Cognitive Disabilities - U.S. Department of Health & Human Services information about what to expect, and some strategies for use with children with mental retardation, autism, or other disabilities affecting learning, communication, and understanding.

For Counseling, Information and Referral for Mental Health Services, please visit the following websites:

New Jersey Division of Mental Health Services - Disaster and Terrorism Branch:  http://www.disastermentalhealthnj.com  


Mental Health Association in New Jersey:  http://www.mhanj.org


Emotional support for people affected by disasters or other overwhelming events is also available by calling New Jersey MentalHealthCares’ Disaster Mental Health Helpline toll free at (877) 294-HELP (4357), where experienced crisis counselors can be reached.  A TTY line is also available at (877) 294-4356.

Plain Talk on Terrorism - From the Federal Emergency Management Agency

For information from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, including

Backgrounder on Terrorism
Terrorism Fact Sheet
The Federal Response Plan
The Interagency Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan
Urban Search and Rescue

Click on this link:



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