What Services are Available Through ICH-NJ?
Services are specific to the community Medicaid program in which the person is enrolled.
Examples of possible in-home services include home health aides, adult day care, transportation, and meal delivery. Each person's service package is individualized, according to his/her needs and circumstances.
Who Sets Up These Services?
An interdisciplinary team, including the individual, family members, social workers, discharge planners and others, meets to decide what services are necessary.
The team develops an individualized plan of care, including important case and care management services, that is put into place before the person leaves the nursing home to ensure the safest and smoothest transition possible.
What Are the Eligibility Criteria?
To be eligible for these services, individuals must be both clinically and financially eligible for Medicaid.
The individual must need nursing facility level of care in order to qualify; persons who are totally independent and require little or no assistance may not meet that requirement. Conversely, individuals who require around-the-clock care and who have no family supports might not be safe at home with the service package the state can provide.
Each case is assessed individually by state representatives to determine whether or not the person meets clinical and financial eligibility.
What If I Don't Have a Home to Return To?
We have helped to transition many people who did not have a home/apartment of their own. I Choose Home NJ can provide additional resources and information to residents and their social workers to help identify available affordable housing in New Jersey. We work with local housing authorities, developers, and other housing advocates to identify housing opportunities in each county. The responsibility for filling out rental applications lies with the resident and his/her social worker, but we can help to encourage and follow up on that process. ICH-NJ may also provide for first-month's security deposit assistance, as well as home furnishings and other items that might be needed to establish the person in his/her new residence. Visit our Housing Resource page.
Who Can I Contact For More Information?
If you or your loved one wants to leave a nursing home or developmental center and return home, you should talk with the facility social worker, and make your wish known to him/her. You should ask him/her to help you explore options for returning to the community. You should also call I Choose Home NJ at 1-855-466-3005 / 1-855-HOME-005.