New Jersey State Parole Board

Legal Support Unit (Appeals)

Offenders may appeal actions or decisions rendered by the State Parole Board.  Administrative appeals submitted to the State Parole Board by offenders are processed by the State Parole Board's Appeals Unit for presentation of the offender's claim to the appropriate Board Panel or the full Board for a final determination on the action or decision being appealed.

 Offenders under supervision may also appeal actions or decisions rendered by the Division of Parole.  Appeals of actions or decisions rendered by the Division of Parole must be submitted through the Division of Parole's chain of command.

 The criteria to appeal a determination rendered by the State Parole Board or the Division of Parole is set forth in the Board's Administrative Code, specifically N.J.A.C. 10A:71-4. 

Last Updated: 09/28/2021

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