Office of Administrative Services
An important function of The State Parole Board’s Office of Administrative Services (OAS) is to draft new and updated Division of Parole related policies for Board consideration and approval. Additionally, OAS is responsible for ensuring that the State Parole Board remains an accredited New Jersey law enforcement agency as outlined by the New Jersey State Association Chiefs of Police (NJSACOP). The re-accreditation process consists of on-site reviews by NJSACOP personnel every three years. The process also requires review of yearly reports and weekly proof of compliance with all state and agency law enforcement policies, procedures, laws, and administrative codes. OAS also serves as the main analytical data gathering and reporting source for the State Parole Board’s Division of Parole and oversees the agency’s Investigative Management Office (IMO) which is the State Parole Board’s criminal evidence control system and criminal investigative report tracking system. The unit also routinely conducts approved digital device examinations of supervised offenders to confirm a parolee’s compliance with their supervision conditional requirements.
Investigation Management Office
The State Parole Board’s Investigation Management Office (IMO), overseen by the Office of Administrative Services, ensures accountability and compliance with the handling of evidence to include evidence collection procedures, proper storage, inventory, and destruction protocols. IMO provides assistance to all sworn staff conducting investigations to include crime scene processing and proper completion of all investigation reports. It is also the responsibility of IMO to satisfy requests for the release of all discovery. All State Parole Board sworn officers assigned to the ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children) Task Force as Digital Device Examiners, conduct digital forensics examinations under the purview of IMO for both parole violations as well as criminal investigations.
The State Parole Board is an accredited police agency through the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police (NJSACOP) Law Enforcement Accreditation Program (LEAP).
Chiefs of Police Association and Description of Accreditation
According to the NJSACOP: Accreditation is a progress and time-proven method of assisting law enforcement agencies to calculate and improve their overall performance. Accredited status represents a significant professional achievement. Accreditation acknowledges the implementation of policies and procedures that are conceptually sound and operationally effective.