New Jersey State Parole Board

Office of Professional Standards

The New Jersey State Parole Board is committed to providing law enforcement and parole services that are fair, effective and impartially delivered. Employees are held to the highest standards of conduct and are expected to respect the rights of all citizens.

 The role of the Office of Professional Standards (OPS) is to accept and investigate all complaints of agency and employee alleged misconduct or wrongdoing from any citizen, employee or any other source, including anonymous sources. Additionally, OPS is responsible for conducting thorough background checks on those seeking employment with the State Parole Board.

 An effective disciplinary framework permits supervisory personnel to monitor employee compliance with agency directives, policies and procedures, as well as assist employees in meeting agency objectives, enhance performance and permit supervisors to identify problem areas, which require increased training or direction. The OPS works to help ensure that the New Jersey State Parole Board provides fundamental fairness and due process protection to citizens and employees alike.

If you are a citizen, and would like to file a complaint, you can view our complaint forms by clicking here

Last Updated: 05/15/2023

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