NJDEP Site Remediation Program - News

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Site Remediation News
May 1998 (Vol 10 No 1) - Article 01

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Analytical Test Method Notes

By: Greg Toffoli
Bureau of Environmental Measurements & Quality Assurance

In conjunction with the promulgation of Final Update III of "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste Physical/Chemical (SW-846) Third Edition," methods in some instances were deleted or revised. As a result, the SW-846 methods used to analyze pesticides and PCBs in all matrices AND the methods used to analyze volatiles in soils (with methanol preservation/extraction) have undergone review by the department. The following decisions relating to the use of the methods should be noted.

1. SW-846 Pesticide/PCB Methods

With the adoption of Final Update III of SW-846, Pesticides and PCBs are no longer analyzed by the same SW-846 analytical method. Pesticides are to be analyzed by method 8081A and PCBs by method 8082. It should be noted that method 8082 provides reporting options in that the concentrations of PCBs may be reported either as Aroclors or as individual PCB congeners. For laboratories analyzing pesticides and/or PCBs by SW-846 methods, the following shall apply. The site remediation program is aware that laboratory certifications for the new methods 8081A and 8082 are not yet available. However, this Spring, the NJDEP Office of Quality Assurance is sending out the new certification packets to laboratories. Laboratories wishing to perform pesticide/PCB analyses for the site remediation program will be required to apply for certification under the new categories. Laboratories performing pesticide and/or PCB analyses following the old protocols (i.e., 8080 and 8081) will be allowed to do so provided they already are certified for those methods. (It should be noted that laboratories may no longer apply for certification in methods 8080 and 8081.) As of July 1, 1998, the new certifications will take effect and laboratories performing pesticide and/or PCB analyses will be required to have the certification for the new method(s). No laboratory will be permitted to analyze pesticides and/or PCBs by the old methods after July 1, 1998.

2. NJDEP Methodology for the Field Extraction/Preservation of Non-Aqueous Samples With Methanol for Volatile Organic Compounds

In the "Scope and Application" section of the "Methanol preservation method," the listed applicable volatile analytical methods include SW-846 Methods 8010B, 8015A, 8020A, 8021A, 8240B and 8260A. With the adoption of Final Update III of SW-846, these methods have been either revised or deleted. Specifically, methods 8010B, 8020A, and 8240B have been deleted; methods 8015A, 8021A, and 8260A have been revised and are now cited in SW-846 as 8015B; 8021B; and 8260B. The laboratory certification issues discussed in the "SW-846 Pesticide/PCB Methods" section above are also relevant here. Therefore, laboratories analyzing methanol preserved/extracted samples for volatiles shall be required to observe the following practices. This Spring, the NJDEP Office of Quality Assurance is sending out the new certification packets to laboratories. Laboratories wishing to perform any of the associated volatile analytical methods noted in the "methanol preservation method" for the site remediation program will be required to apply for certification under the new categories. Laboratories performing volatile analyses subsequent to methanol preservation/extraction following the old protocols will be allowed to do so provided they already are certified for those analytical methods. (It should be noted that laboratories no longer may apply for certification in any of the outdated revisions of the methods.) As of July 1, 1998, the new certifications will take effect and laboratories performing volatile analyses (subsequent to methanol preservation/extraction) will be required to have the certification for the new analytical method(s). No laboratory will be permitted to use either the outdated revisions of the methods or the deleted methods for volatiles after July 1, 1998.



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