NJDEP Site Remediation Program - News

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Site Remediation News
July 2000 (Vol 12 No 1) - Article 05

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Do I Need A Permit?

By: Greg Giles
Bureau of Ground Water Pollution Abatement

Permits are needed for the installation of all wells and some borings. These permits are obtained from the Bureau of Water Allocation (609-984-6831). This article is written to help clarify any confusion about when a permit is needed from the Bureau of Water Allocation. To determine if a permit is needed for any planned work, the following points need to be considered:

  • If a soil boring is advanced 25 feet or greater, a soil boring permit is required. The depth to water, or whether or not the boring is advanced below the water table is not a factor.

  • A single soil boring permit is $50. If multiple borings 25 feet or greater are planned, a $100 site-wide permit may be obtained. A site-wide permit will allow for the installation of an undetermined number of borings under a single permit. A site wide permit applies to a single lot and block, or a right of way easement within a single municipality, or a contiguous property of common ownership consisting of multiple lots and / or blocks within a single municipality.

  • The installation of temporary screen and/or casing to collect ground water samples or obtain water table depths, if left in the ground less than 48 hours, is considered a boring and requires a soil boring permit only if installed to a depth of 25 feet or greater.

  • The installation of any screen and/or casing, if left in the ground longer than 48 hours, will be considered a well and will require a well permit irrespective of depth or whether the water table is crossed.

  • A valid New Jersey well permit must be obtained from the department prior to drilling, constructing, installing, physically altering or redesignating the use of any well.


  • If the water table is at 8 feet, and a boring is advanced to a depth of 21 feet, a permit is not required.

  • All temporary wells and drive points, if left in the ground less than 48 hours and advanced less than 25 feet do not require a permit.

  • All temporary wells and drive points, if left in the ground less than 48 hours, but advanced 25 feet or greater, will require a soil boring permit.

  • All temporary wells and drive points, if left in the ground greater than 48 hours are considered wells and will require a well permit irrespective of depth.

  • Screen and/or casing installed for: 1) the injection of hydrogen peroxide, 2) the injection of Oxygen Releasing Compound (ORC®), or 3) the injection or extraction of air, if left in the ground greater than 48 hours will require a well permit irrespective of depth.


ITRC State Engagement Award was presented to the following Site Remediation Program staff by NJDEP Commissioner Shinn: Matt Turner, Frank Camera, John Kosher, Rob Lux and Brian Sogorka.

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Last revision: 10 August 2000