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The New Jersey Museum of Agriculture is a not-for-profit educational institution that showcases and communicates the unique role of the Garden State in the growth and development of agriculture and the impact of its contributions to society over time.

Founded in 1984, the New Jersey Museum of Agriculture is a 30,000 square foot facility that draws an estimated 20,000 visitors per year.

Agriculture can no longer be viewed as an industry isolated from the food industry since the combined agribusiness and food complex represents the largest industrial complex in New Jersey. Its 9,000 farms and 35,000 food enterprises generate approximately $65 billion in sales; employ 360,000 people; and pay out $6 billion in payroll.

The New Jersey Museum of Agriculture has adopted a new vision to develop a facility, which not only preserves the rich history of agriculture but also recognizes the value and contributions of the state’s food sectors.

With respect to this new vision the New Jersey Museum of Agriculture will be developing programs that:

  • expand the use of the facility as a state-of-the-art conference/distance learning facility that can serve as a focal point for the agricultural and food industry of New Jersey;

  • develop food industry exhibits that improve public perception and awareness of the industry;

  • offer targeted educational programs to youth and adults;

  • use the museum to support existing and new training programs for agribusiness and food firms;

  • highlight emerging innovations and technologies in the food and agricultural industries;

  • showcase exhibits on the history and importance of key New Jersey agricultural and food companies.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the delegates to the 89th State Agricultural Convention, assembled in Long Branch, New Jersey on February 4, 2004 endorse the new vision for a New Jersey Museum of Food and Agriculture.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we call upon Governor McGreevey and the State Legislature to continue to support the New Jersey Museum of Food and Agriculture by identifying a stable funding source for Museum operations, capable of maintaining the fiscal year 2000 funding level, or at least $180,000 per year.