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The Jersey Fresh advertising and promotional program debuted during the 1984-growing season. Now entering its 20th season, Jersey Fresh has become the nation’s premier state agricultural marketing program. Recognized through numerous state and national awards, Jersey Fresh has helped develop consumer and trade awareness as well as preference for New Jersey’s agricultural products. What initially began as a small program generally focusing on produce promotion, Jersey Fresh has expanded to represent the diversity of New Jersey’s agricultural industry to include: Nursery, Livestock, Dairy, Seafood, and organic products.

The program has existed under the tenure of four Governors. Now entering its 20th year, Jersey Fresh continues to enjoy tremendous support from the executive and legislative branches of state government; from where the program derives its funding. As Jersey Fresh looks forward to continuing success, the program will strive to adapt in meeting the needs of an ever-changing, farming and food-marketing complex, thus working towards the goal of ensuring a profitable and viable agricultural industry in the Garden State.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the delegates of the 89th Annual State Agricultural Convention assembled in Long Branch, New Jersey on February 3, 2004, recognize and congratulate the New Jersey Department of Agriculture’s Jersey Fresh program on achieving 20 years of marketing excellence.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we call on the New Jersey Governor and Legislature to continue their commitment to the program by restoring full financial support of this program, equal to the appropriation in the 1995 fiscal year budget, or $1.266 million.