Total Spending Per Pupil (Definition)
2015-16 Total Spending: $84,785,164
2015-16 Average Daily Enroll plus Sent Pupils: 2,380
2015-16 Costs Amount per Pupil: $35,632
2016-17 Total Spending: $83,142,094
2016-17 Average Daily Enroll plus Sent Pupils: 2,250
2016-17 Costs Amount per Pupil: $36,957
Summary of Vital Statistics (Definition)
2016-17 Total Spending Per Pupil: $36,957
Revenue Sources, State: 86.3%
Revenue Sources, Local Taxes: 8.9%
Revenue Sources, Federal: 4.1%
Revenue Sources, Tuition: 0
Revenue Sources, Use of Fund Balance: 0
Revenue Sources, Other: 0.7%
Fall 2016 Certified Staff:
Student/Teacher Ratio: 9.1
Student/Support Ratio: 39.1
Student/Administrator Ratio: 65.8
10/15/16 % of Classified Students to Total Students: 17.99%
Indicator 1: Budgetary Per Pupil Cost (Definition)
2015-16 Actual Costs Amount per Pupil: $30,264
2015-16 Actual Costs Rank Within Group per Pupil: 71|71
2016-17 Actual Costs Amount per Pupil: $30,930
2016-17 Actual Costs Rank Within Group per Pupil: 73|72
2017-18 Budgeted Costs Amount Per Pupil: $28,193
2017-18 Budgeted Costs Rank Within Group Per Pupil: 73|73
Indicator 2: Total Classroom Instruction (Definition)
Per Pupil Amount (2015-16 actual costs): $15,730
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2015-16 actual costs): 71|71
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2015-16): 52%
Per Pupil Amount (2016-17 actual costs): $15,695
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2016-17 actual costs): 73|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2016-17): 50.7%
Per Pupil Amount (2017-18 budget): $14,941
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2017-18 budget): 73|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2017-18): 53%
Indicator 3: Classroom Salaries and Benefits (Definition)
Per Pupil Amount (2015-16 actual costs): $13,803
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2015-16 actual costs): 71|71
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2015-16): 45.6%
% of Classroom Salaries and Benefits to Total Classroom Instruction Costs (2015-16): 87.75%
Per Pupil Amount (2016-17 actual costs): $13,835
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2016-17 actual costs): 73|72
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2016-17): 44.7%
% of Classroom Salaries and Benefits to Total Classroom Instruction Costs (2016-17): 88.15%
Per Pupil Amount (2017-18 budget): $13,372
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2017-18 budget): 73|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2017-18): 47.4%
% of Classroom Salaries and Benefits to Total Classroom Instruction Costs (2017-18): 89.5%
Indicator 4: Classroom Supplies/Textbooks (Definition)
Per Pupil Amount (2015-16 actual costs): $893
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2015-16 actual costs): 71|71
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2015-16): 3%
Per Pupil Amount (2016-17 actual costs): $722
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2016-17 actual costs): 73|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2016-17): 2.3%
Per Pupil Amount (2017-18 budget): $805
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2017-18 budget): 73|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2017-18): 2.9%
Indicator 5: Classroom Purchased Services/Other Costs (Definition)
Per Pupil Amount (2015-16 actual costs): $1,034
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2015-16 actual costs): 70|71
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2015-16): 3.4%
Per Pupil Amount (2016-17 actual costs): $1,139
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2016-17 actual costs): 72|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2016-17): 3.7%
Per Pupil Amount (2017-18 budget): $765
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2017-18 budget): 71|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2017-18): 2.7%
Indicator 6: Total Support Services (Definition)
Per Pupil Amount (2015-16 actual costs): $7,424
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2015-16 actual costs): 71|71
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2015-16): 24.5%
Per Pupil Amount (2016-17 actual costs): $8,294
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2016-17 actual costs): 73|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2016-17): 26.8%
Per Pupil Amount (2017-18 budget): $6,861
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2017-18 budget): 73|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2017-18): 24.3%
Indicator 7: Salaries and Benefits for Support Services (Definition)
Per Pupil Amount (2015-16 actual costs): $6,597
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2015-16 actual costs): 71|71
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2015-16): 21.8%
% of Total Salaries and Benefits to Support Services Salaries and Benefits (2015-16): 88.86%
Per Pupil Amount (2016-17 actual costs): $6,847
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2016-17 actual costs): 73|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2016-17): 22.1%
% of Total Salaries and Benefits to Support Services Salaries and Benefits (2016-17): 82.55%
Per Pupil Amount (2017-18 budget): $5,934
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2017-18 budget): 73|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2017-18): 21%
% of Total Salaries and Benefits to Support Services Salaries and Benefits (2017-18): 86.49%
Indicator 8: Total Administration (Definition)
Per Pupil Amount (2015-16 actual costs): $2,207
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2015-16 actual costs): 71|71
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2015-16): 7.3%
Per Pupil Amount (2016-17 actual costs): $2,018
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2016-17 actual costs): 67|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2016-17): 6.5%
Per Pupil Amount (2017-18 budget): $1,869
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2017-18 budget): 54|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2017-18): 6.6%
Indicator 8A: Legal Services (Definition)
Per Pupil Amount (2015-16 actual costs): $48
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2015-16 actual costs): 57|71
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2015-16): 0.2%
Per Pupil Amount (2016-17 actual costs): $47
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2016-17 actual costs): 48|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2016-17): 0.2%
Per Pupil Amount (2017-18 budget): $43
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2017-18 budget): 47|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2017-18): 0.2%
Indicator 9: Administration Salaries and Benefits (Definition)
Per Pupil Amount (2015-16 actual costs): $1,539
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2015-16 actual costs): 64|71
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2015-16): 5.1%
% of Total Salaries and Benefits to Salaries and Benefits for Administration (2015-16): 69.73%
Per Pupil Amount (2016-17 actual costs): $1,535
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2016-17 actual costs): 58|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2016-17): 5%
% of Total Salaries and Benefits to Salaries and Benfits for Administration (2016-17): 76.07%
Per Pupil Amount (2017-18 budget): $1,453
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2017-18 budget): 42|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2017-18): 5.2%
% of Total Salaries and Benefits to Salaries and Benefits for Administration (2017-18): 77.74%
Indicator 10: Total Operations and Maintenance of Plant (Definition)
Per Pupil Amount (2015-16 actual costs): $3,909
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2015-16 actual costs): 71|71
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2015-16): 12.9%
Per Pupil Amount (2016-17 actual costs): $3,907
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2016-17 actual costs): 73|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2016-17): 12.6%
Per Pupil Amount (2017-18 budget): $3,627
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2017-18 budget): 73|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2017-18): 12.9%
Indicator 11: Salaries and Benefits for Operations and Maintenance of Plant (Definition)
Per Pupil Amount (2015-16 actual costs): $2,384
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2015-16 actual costs): 71|71
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2015-16): 7.9%
to % of Salaries and Benefits for Operations to Total Operations and Maintenance of Plant Costs (2015-16): 60.99%
Per Pupil Amount (2016-17 actual costs): $2,567
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2016-17 actual costs): 73|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2016-17): 8.3%
to % of Salaries and Benefits for Operations to Total Operations and Maintenance of Plant Costs (2016-17): 65.7%
Per Pupil Amount (2017-18 budget): 2286
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2017-18 budget): 73|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2017-18): 8.1%
to % of Salaries and Benefits for Operations to Total Operations and Maintenance of Plant Costs (2017-18): 63.03%
Indicator 12: Board Contributions to the Food Service Program (Definition)
Per Pupil Amount (2015-16 actual costs): N.R.
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2015-16 actual costs): N.R.
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2015-16): N.R.
Per Pupil Amount (2016-17 actual costs): N.R.
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2016-17 actual costs): N.R.
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2016-17): N.R.
Per Pupil Amount (2017-18 budget): N.R.
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2017-18 budget): N.R.
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2017-18): N.R.
Indicator 13: Extracurricular Costs (Definition)
Per Pupil Amount (2015-16 actual costs): $670
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2015-16 actual costs): 70|71
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2015-16): 2.2%
Per Pupil Amount (2016-17 actual costs): $719
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2016-17 actual costs): 72|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2016-17): 2.3%
Per Pupil Amount (2017-18 budget): $598
Per Pupil Ranking Within Group (2017-18 budget): 65|73
% of Budgetary Cost Per Pupil (2017-18): 2.1%
Indicator 14: Personal Services - Employee Benefits (Definition)
% of Total Salaries (2015-16): 29.6%
% of Total Salaries (2016-17): 32.1%
% of Total Salaries (2017-18): 36.5%
Indicator 15: Total Equipment Cost (Definition)
Per Pupil Costs (2015-16): $149
Per Pupil Costs (2016-17): $24
Per Pupil Costs (2017-18): $86
Indicator 16: Ratio of Students to Classroom Teachers and Median Classroom Teacher Salary (Definition)
Student to Teacher Ratio (2016-17): 9.1
Ratio Ranking Within Group (2016-17): 72|71
Median Teacher Salary (2016-17): $74,620
Salary Ranking Within Group (2016-17): 65|71
Student to Teacher Ratio (2017-18): 8.9
Ratio Ranking Within Group (2017-18): 73|71
Median Teacher Salary (2017-18): $75,650
Salary Ranking Within Group (2017-18): 63|71
Indicator 17: Ratio of Students to Educational Support Personnel and Median Salary (Definition)
Student to Support Service Ratio (2016-17): 39.1
Ratio Ranking Within Group (2016-17): 73|71
Median Support Service Salary (2016-17): $86,785
Salary Ranking Within Group (2016-17): 65|71
Student to Support Service Ratio (2017-18): 38.9
Ratio Ranking Within Group (2017-18): 73|71
Median Support Service Salary (2017-18): $88,700
Salary Ranking (2017-18): 66|71
Indicator 18: Ratio of Students to Administrative Personnel and Median Salary (Definition)
Student to Administrator Ratio (2016-17): 65.8
Ratio Ranking Within Group (2016-17): 73|71
Median Administrator Salary (2016-17): $133,698
Salary Ranking Within Group (2016-17): 58|71
Student to Administrator Ratio (2017-18): 77.8
Ratio Ranking Within Group (2017-18): 73|71
Median Administrator Salary (2017-18): $138,449
Salary Ranking Within Group (2017-18): 62|71
Indicator 19: Ratio of Faculty to Administrative Personnel (Definition)
Faculty to Administrator Ratio (2016-17): 8.9
Faculty to Administrator Ranking Within Group (2016-17): 72|71
Faculty to Administrator Ratio (2017-18): 10.7
Faculty to Administrator Ranking Within Group (2017-18): 71|71
Indicator 20: Comparison of Budgeted General Fund Balance vs. Actual (Used) or Generated (Definition)
General Fund Balance (2015-16): $12,340,877
2015-16 Actual: $-3,023,920
General Fund Balance (2016-17): $9,316,957
2016-17 Actual: $772,640
Indicator 21: General Fund Excess Surplus (Definition)
Actual Excess (2015-16): $2,532,497
Actual Excess (2016-17): $3,225,695