by the Division of Science, Research,
and Environmental Health and the
Bureau of Safe Drinking Water
is Arsenic?
Does Arsenic Get into Ground Water?
are the health risks associated
with ingesting arsenic in drinking
is the drinking water standard for
should test?
can I find out if arsenic is in
my drinking water?
I continue to use my water for drinking or bathing if arsenic
is found?
can I reduce arsenic levels in my
can I go for more information?
Watch Informative Video - New Jersey Arsenic Awareness Initiative
is Arsenic?
Arsenic (As) is a naturally-occurring
element in the earth’s crust,
and traces of arsenic can be found
throughout the environment. Arsenic
in soil may originate naturally,
and past human activities may have
added to these levels in some areas.
Historically, the heaviest use of
arsenic in this country has been
as a pesticide. The current predominant
use of arsenic is as a wood preservative.
In ground water, arsenic occurs
primarily in two forms, As+3 (arsenite)
and As+5 (arsenate). Organic arsenicals
are not known to occur at significant
levels in ground water. Arsenic
may change chemical form in the
environment, but it does not degrade.
Does Arsenic Get into Ground Water?
Inorganic arsenic exists naturally
at various levels in all geologic
formations in the state. In some
of these formations, arsenic is
relatively immobile despite being
present at high concentrations.
In other formations, the chemical
and physical properties of the geologic
material may enable the arsenic
to become mobile. Such conditions
exist in rocks formed from organic-rich,
ancient lake beds in a group of
geologic formations in the Piedmont
Physiographic Province of the state,
shown as the shaded area on the
map. Results from testing conducted
by the New Jersey Geological Survey
indicate that elevated levels of
arsenic exist in some aquifers of
the Piedmont Province where arsenic
has been detected at levels above
5 parts per billion (ppb), or µg/L
(micrograms per liter. Levels as
high as 60-80 ppb have been detected
in drinking water in this area.
Further, private well testing conducted
by the South Branch Watershed Association
with the Raritan and Readington
Township Environmental Commissions
and NJDEP in Hunterdon County show
arsenic levels above 5 ppb in 49
out of 238 wells, or 20%, with the
highest concentration being 35 ppb.
Beginning in September 2002, all
private wells were required to test
for arsenic if they were located
in the 10 counties located in the
Piedmont Region of the state. Of
the 1,928 wells sampled for arsenic
between September 2002 and March
2003, 72 wells (3.7%) exceeded the
federal drinking water standard
of 10 ppb with the highest level
reported at 216 ppb (data on levels
above 5 ppb, the NJ arsenic MCL,
have not been publicly reported).
Arsenic may reach ground water from
human activities. The primary use
of arsenic, historically, has been
as an ingredient in pesticides.
Before synthetic organic pesticides
were available, arsenic-based pesticides
were widely used throughout the
state to combat insects on a variety
of crops. Lead and calcium arsenates
were the forms used most commonly,
although there were additional types
of arsenical pesticides, including
organic arsenicals. Although arsenic
is not considered to be highly mobile,
certain factors, such as the use
of fertilizers, can mobilize it
and enable it to reach ground water.
Thus, arsenic present in an aquifer
may be due to natural formations,
past use of arsenical pesticides
or both.
are the health risks associated
with ingesting arsenic in drinking
Arsenic is one of a relatively small
number of chemicals that has been
classified by USEPA as a known human
carcinogen, based on human epidemiological
data. The carcinogenicity (or cancer-causing
characteristics) of arsenic is difficult
to study because it does not consistently
induce cancer in laboratory animals,
yet it is a known human carcinogen.
Unlike most other carcinogens of
environmental concern, arsenic does
not induce cancer in the animal
models in which it has been tested,
perhaps due to differences in metabolism
between the test animals and humans.
Quantitative estimates of risks
of arsenic in drinking water come
from human epidemiological studies,
rather than studies in laboratory
animals. The exposures to arsenic
in these individuals are not controlled,
as in laboratory studies, but must
be estimated from information on
drinking water arsenic levels and
water consumption data in the populations
of interest.
Ingestion of large
amounts of inorganic arsenic is
associated with increased risk of
several types of cancer in humans
including skin, lung, liver, kidney
and urinary bladder. The evidence
for cancers comes from studies in
Taiwan, Bangladesh, Chile and Argentina
where human populations were exposed
to very high levels of naturally-occurring
inorganic arsenic in drinking water.
The National Academy
of Sciences (2001) has estimated,
based on lung and bladder cancer
data, that the additional lifetime
cancer risk associated with drinking
water that contains 5 µg/L
of arsenic is about 2 in 1000. This
means that if 1000 people were to
consume two liters of this water
per day for 70 years, we would expect
to see no more than 2 additional
cancers in the 1000 people exposed
over a lifetime.
Other potential
effects of ingestion of elevated
arsenic include gastrointestinal
ailments, such as diarrhea and cramping,
thickening and/or discoloration
of the skin, increased risk of diabetes
and cardiovascular impacts. Only
a small amount of arsenic is found
in breast milk even when mothers
have ingested elevated levels of
arsenic in their diet.
is the drinking water standard for
The Department of Environmental
Protection (NJDEP adopted a new
maximum contaminant level(MCL)of
5 ug/L which becomes effective on
January 23, 2006 that applies to
all New Jersey drinking water supplies
(private and public water supplies).
New Jersey now has the most protective
arsenic drinking water standard
in the nation.
New Jersey requires
monitoring for arsenic at more than
600 public community water systems
and 900 non-transient, non-community
systems, which combined serve around
85 percent of the state's population.
Based on past data, NJDEP predicts
approximately 34 community and 101
non-community systems may have arsenic
levels exceeding the new 5 µg/L
standard. In addition, the new standard
also would apply to private well
owners regulated under New Jersey's
Private Well Testing Act, requiring
notification of consumers about
arsenic concentrations during a
real estate transaction and when
renting property.
should test?
If your drinking water comes from
a public community water supply
(i.e., you get a water bill), your
water supplier is required by law
to test it to ensure that it meets
the MCL for arsenic. In this case,
you do not need to test your water.
You can get the most recent test
results for your water system by
contacting your water supplier or
the NJDEP’s Bureau of Safe
Drinking Water at (609) 292-5550.
There are no federal
or state requirements for private
well owners to test their well water
for arsenic, although the state
does require testing for various
contaminants, which may or may not
include arsenic, during real estate
transfers under the Private Well
Testing Act.
Given the elevated levels of arsenic
that have been found in ground water
in certain parts of the state and
the lower MCL for arsenic in NJ,
the NJDEP recommends that private
well owners who live in the Piedmont
Physiographic Province test their
well water for arsenic. See the
map on the first page of this guide
to find out if your home is in this
area. Arsenic has been found in
the water from some wells in other
parts of the state, but not at the
frequency or concentrations found
in the Piedmont. Additional study
is needed in those other areas of
the state. Anyone who is concerned
about possible arsenic contamination
of their well water should test.
can I find out if arsenic is in
my drinking water?
Arsenic in drinking water is odorless,
tasteless and colorless. The only
way to tell if arsenic is present
is to test for it. If you decide
to test your well, the DEP recommends
that you use a laboratory that is
DEP-certified to conduct low level
arsenic analyses. There are a number
of commercial labs in NJ and other
states that can measure arsenic
as low as 1-2 µg/L in drinking
water samples. Additional laboratories
in the state are NJDEP-certified
to conduct arsenic tests using other
analytical techniques that measure
arsenic from above 2 µg/L.
You can call NJDEP’s Office
of Quality Assurance at (609) 292-3950
for more information on laboratories
certified to test for arsenic in
drinking water. Arsenic testing
drinking water generally costs less
than $50 per sample. The laboratory
will instruct you as to how to collect
the water sample, or they will collect
it themselves.
often should I test my private well water for arsenic?
If the arsenic concentration of the well water is 2.5 µg/L or above, it is recommended to test every year. If the well water is below 2.5 µg/L, then it is recommended to test every five years. (Mailloux et al., 2021)
Should I
continue to use my water if arsenic
is found?
If arsenic is detected above
the new MCL of 5 µg/L,
do not use it for drinking,
cooking, mixing baby formula,
or in other consumptive ways.
It is recommended that methods
of arsenic removal be explored
in these instances.
this time, NJDEP recommends
arsenic removal for residences
whose well water contains arsenic
above 5 µg/L. Any corrective
action on water with arsenic
levels at or below 5 µg/L
is considered a personal decision
at this time.
not boil your water as a method
of treatment. This will result
in increased arsenic concentrations
in your water. Water evaporates
but arsenic does not, so boiling
results in a higher concentration
of arsenic in your water.
bathing and other uses?
Arsenic does not evaporate readily
from drinking water. Therefore,
even at relatively high levels,
arsenic does not pose an inhalation
risk from drinking water. At
the arsenic levels found in
NJ ground water, exposure through
skin absorption and inhalation
are not considered to be significant.
Showering, bathing and other
uses, therefore, do not need
to stop if arsenic levels are
can I reduce arsenic levels in my
If you choose to reduce the arsenic
concentration in your drinking water,
there are several short-term and
long-term solutions. Purchasing
bottled water for drinking and cooking
is a viable short-term solution
until a more permanent one is established.
If your arsenic
levels are above 5 µg/L, connection
to a public water system may be
your best option, if possible. However,
in many areas of the state, it is
not possible or cost-effective.
Well replacement may be an option,
but, unless the local geology and
sources of arsenic are fully understood,
deepening your existing well or
drilling a new one may not necessarily
provide better quality water. In
cases where connection to a community
water system or installation of
a new well are not possible, water
treatment systems can be installed.
There are two types that can be
used for arsenic removal:
1) point-of-entry treatment (POET)
systems treat the water for the
entire household; and
2) point-of-use (POU) systems
treat the water at the kitchen
A granular ferric adsorption system
is the preferred treatment technology.
This system effectively removes
arsenic from water, it is easy to
operate and maintain, and the arsenic
is not returned to the environment
via regeneration.
For a family of
three, with typical water use, a
granular ferric POET system can
operate with minimal maintenance
for two to three years, depending
on the arsenic concentration. Based
on a NJDEP cost survey, the average
cost of installing this type of
system is approximately $3,000 and
the annual cost of maintaining it
is estimated at to be about $350.
Another option is
a granular ferric POU cartridge
system that removes arsenic from
a single tap in the home, usually
at the kitchen sink. The cartridges
contain the same media as the whole-house
system. These systems typically
produce two quarts per minute and
are used to provide treated water
for drinking and cooking only. Cartridges
are typically changed once per year.
Based on a NJDEP cost survey, the
average cost of installing this
system is $400 and the annual cost
of maintaining it is estimated at
Other technologies
to remove arsenic from water include
anion exchange and reverse osmosis.
Homeowners should work with their
local health officers to determine
which system is best for removing
arsenic, given the geology, water
chemistry and use of the water.
For further information
on removal units, contact your local
health officer and/or a water treatment
company specializing in residential
water treatment to determine which
type works best in your area. Also,
you should find out if a local health
department permit is required. If
you install a system, be sure to
conduct another arsenic test after
the water has been treated to verify
that the system is working effectively
to reduce arsenic to an acceptable
can I go for more information?
If you have any questions or wish
to discuss the results of your water
test with a knowledgeable professional,
please contact your local or county
health department or the DEP Bureau
of Safe Drinking Water at (609)
292-5550. Consult the blue pages
of your phone book for the numbers
of your local or county health department.
You can also contact the NJ Department
of Health and Senior Services, Consumer
and Environmental Health Services
at (609) 588-3120. For information
about the Private Well Testing Program,
see or
call (866) 479-8378.
Video - New Jersey Arsenic Awareness Initiative
The Department, in collaboration with Barnard College, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and others, has developed a series of arsenic-related educational videos. The videos provide arsenic awareness for adults and children and information on testing your well water. Watch the videos here. |