Welcome to the Forest Nursery
The New Jersey Forest Nursery grows over 25 evergreen and deciduous tree and shrub seedling species in Jackson, NJ. The nursery sells bareroot tree seedlings through the Seedlings for Reforestation program, in packs of 100. For more variety and fewer trees, the nursery also offers the Home Grown program, with a pack of 30 seedlings of three different species. 3rd Grade Tree Team program offers free seedlings to third grade students when requested by their school.
Seedling Programs Available
Available to |
Packet size |
Types available |
Order by |
Cost |
Shipping |
Seedlings for Reforestation |
any New Jersey Landowner |
100 seedling/packet
1 species per pack
Variety of oak, confier, or hardwood & shrub species |
April 1 |
$25-$40/pack depends on species |
No shipping must be picked up at locations across the state |
Home Grown |
any New Jersey Landowner |
30 seedlings/packet
3 species in a pack
Choose from Watershed, Wildlife, or Beautification packet |
March 15 |
$25 |
3rd Grade Tree Team |
3rd Grade students when requested by their school |
50 seedlings/packet
1 species
No choice |
March 15 |
FREE pickup or $10 ship per packet |
Read Bareroot Seedling Planting and Care [pdf 943k] to help make your conservation plantings a success.

Seedlings for Reforestation
Please view the 2012 Tree Seedling Catalog for species list and order form.
The reforestation program provides public and private landowners tree seedlings for reforestation. Reforestation is important part of conservation in New Jersey's forests.
- Seedlings available in both conifer and hardwood species
- There is no minimum acreage required to be eligible to buy seedlings
- Minimum order is 100 seedlings, or one packet
- Orders accepted from December to April 1
- Delivery/Pickup between March 15 and April 30
Please note: the species listed on this web site are provided as a guide only and may not reflect the actual nursery stock. Contact the nursery at (732) 928-0029 for an up to date listing of available seedlings. Trees must be planted in New Jersey. Trees are not allowed to be resold as christmas trees or nursery stock.
Home Grown Tree Program
Please view the Home Grown Tree Program Order Form for ordering information.
The Home Grown Tree Program allows New Jersey landowners to buy packets of seedlings for their property. For just $25, you will receive a variety pack of 30 bare root seedlings. Plant them anywhere in New Jersey.
Choose from:

Beautification - these aesthetically pleasing species will add beauty to your landscape.
Watershed - these species are best planted in wet or moist soils and also help prevent runoff.
Wildlife - these species provide food and habitat for a variety of birds and wildlife.
- Each packet costs $25 (includes shipping and handling.)
- Packets ship between mid-March and April 30
- A packet contains 30, 4"-12" bare root seedlings
- Order early (November-March) for spring delivery and planting (March-April.)

Third Grade Tree Team
Please view Third Grade Tree Team Order Form for ordering information.
This state wide program entitles every third grader in New Jersey to a free tree seedling when requested by the local school. It acquaints young students with the value and importance of trees, increasing environmental awareness and teaches students about the benefits of trees. The seedlings are a perfect way to get students involved in environmental activities, especially during Earth Day and Arbor Day.
- Trees are available in April.
- Schools must register by March 15.
View How to Care for and Plant Third Grade Trees for help planting your 3rd Grade trees.
Collect acorns for the NJ Forest Nursery
- Identify a red oak, pin oak, or chestnut oak tree
- Collect acorns in plastic milk jugs without the cap or loosely tied plastic bags
- Do not mix species - one species per bag
- Keep your collection cool and dry until you drop it off to an Acorn Drop-off Point (listed below)
- To ensure we can use your acorns, please drop them off within 10 days
Keep acorns dry and cool so they do not sprout. Sprouted acorns are not viable. Although we do have other oak species in New Jersey, the nursery only needs acorns from pin oak, red oak, and chestnut oak.
Flemington Agway Store
39 North Main St. Flemington
(908) 782-5413
Mercer County Soil Conservation District
508 Hughs Drive Hamilton Square
(609) 586 -9603
Mays Landing
555 Atlantic Ave , Mays Landing
Washington Crossing State Park
Route 546 at 579 Titusville, Mercer County at the Nature Center
(609) 737-0609.
Drop-off points
NJ Forest Nursery
370 East Veterans Highway, Jackson
(732) 928 0029
240 Main Street, Andover
(973) 786-5035
1020 Rt. 31 Lebanon
(908) 782 1158
East Brunswick Parks Dept
334 Dunham Corner Rd, East Brunswick
(732) 390- 6806.
Brendan Byrne State Park
Route 72, New Lisbon
(609) 726-1621