New Jersey Department of Education

NJ Holocaust Grades 3-4 Curriculum: Unit 2

Unit Topic: Accepting Diversity in Ourselves and Others
Grade(s): 3-4

Unit Goal: Students will learn how people work collaboratively through mutual understanding and respect.


  1. Understand that each person is unique and special and explore cultural contributions of people from various backgrounds
  2. Identify and discuss the various influences that determine a person’s identity (i.e. family, age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, environment, education, physical attributes, religion, friends, etc.)
  3. Explain how words can be empowering or destructive in order to understand how your words and actions affects others and explore what causes people choose to act in caring or hurtful ways 
  4. Discuss how all choices have both good and bad consequences and making good choices is important in life
  5. Define prejudices against individuals or groups (incl. Discrimination and anti-Semitism) and explain how prejudices hurt everyone and everyone suffers as a result of it (individually, as a community, a nation and the world)
  6. Explain how prejudice can lead to persecution of individuals or groups
  7. Explain the concepts of respect, trust, and caring and apply them to yourself and others
  8. Define what a bully is and differentiate between friends and bullies by understanding the specific actions or behaviors of each
  9. Explain the differences between upstanders and bystanders and explore ways that individuals can stand up for what they believe is right and good while explaining ways to be considerate of alternate points of view
  10. Explain the importance of having rules to guide us and to keep us safe as we live and work together in our homes, in the classroom, and in our neighborhoods and understand that sometimes a rule is not a good and there are ways that we can work together to change it

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