New Jersey Department of Education

9.2 Career Readiness and 9.4 Life Literacies and Key Skills

Standard 9.2 Career Awareness, Exploration, Preparation and Training and Standard 9.4 Life Literacies and Key Skills concurrently support the development of lifelong skills, behaviors and dispositions identified in exemplary students, employers/employees, community members and leaders.

Standard 9.2 develops career readiness, outlining the importance of being knowledgeable about one's interests and talents, and being well informed about postsecondary and career options.

Standard 9.4 highlights key literacies and technical skills that are critical for students to develop to live and work in an interconnected global economy.

These two standards are intended to be integrated together and within other disciplines to develop critical understandings, skills and literacies for postsecondary success.

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Page Last Updated: 08/27/2024

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