New Jersey Department of Education

Understanding the 2023 NJSLS-ELA Alphanumeric Codes

The first four parts of every New Jersey Student Learning Standard-English Language Arts (NJSLS-ELA) code is composed of:

  1. Domain abbreviation
  2. Strand abbreviation
  3. Grade level or band
  4. Standard number

For example, when building the alphanumeric code for ELA Standard L.VL.6.3:

L VL 6 3
Domain: Language Strand: Vocabulary Acquisition Grade: 6 Standard 3 in Grade 6 language domain

Domain Abbreviations

The first part of each ELA alphanumeric code is the domain abbreviation.

Code Domain
L Language
RI Reading Informational Texts
RL Reading Literary Texts
W Writing
SL Speaking and Listening

Strand Abbreviation

The second part of each NJSLS-ELA alphanumeric code represents the strand. Each strand supports students in meeting the corresponding Anchor Statement.

Language Strand Abbreviations
Code Anchor Statement
RF Foundational Skills: Reading Language (K–5)
WF Foundational Skills: Writing Language (K–5)
SS System and Structure of Language
KL Knowledge of Language
VL Vocabulary Acquisition, Use and Literal Meaning
VI Vocabulary Acquisition, Use and Interpretative Meaning
Reading Strand Abbreviations
Code Anchor Statement
CR Close Reading of Text
CI Central Ideas and Themes of Texts
IT Interactions Among Text Elements
TS Text Structure
PP Perspective and Purpose in Texts
MF Diverse Media and Formats
AA Analysis of an Argument
CT Comparison of Texts
Writing Strand Abbreviations
Code Anchor Statement
AW Argumentative Writing
IW Informative and Explanatory Writing
NW Narrative Writing
WP Writing Process
WR Writing Research
SE Sources of Evidence
RW Range of Writing
Speaking and Listening Strand Abbreviations
Code Anchor Statement
PE Participate Effectively
II Integrate Information
ES Evaluate Speakers
PI Present Information
UM Use Media
AS Adapt Speech
Page Last Updated: 11/06/2024

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