Understanding the 2023 NJSLS-ELA Alphanumeric Codes
The first four parts of every New Jersey Student Learning Standard-English Language Arts (NJSLS-ELA) code is composed of:
- Domain abbreviation
- Strand abbreviation
- Grade level or band
- Standard number
For example, when building the alphanumeric code for ELA Standard L.VL.6.3:
L | VL | 6 | 3 |
Domain: Language | Strand: Vocabulary Acquisition | Grade: 6 | Standard 3 in Grade 6 language domain |
Domain Abbreviations
The first part of each ELA alphanumeric code is the domain abbreviation.
Code | Domain |
L | Language |
RI | Reading Informational Texts |
RL | Reading Literary Texts |
W | Writing |
SL | Speaking and Listening |
Strand Abbreviation
The second part of each NJSLS-ELA alphanumeric code represents the strand. Each strand supports students in meeting the corresponding Anchor Statement.
Code | Anchor Statement |
RF | Foundational Skills: Reading Language (K–5) |
WF | Foundational Skills: Writing Language (K–5) |
SS | System and Structure of Language |
KL | Knowledge of Language |
VL | Vocabulary Acquisition, Use and Literal Meaning |
VI | Vocabulary Acquisition, Use and Interpretative Meaning |
Code | Anchor Statement |
CR | Close Reading of Text |
CI | Central Ideas and Themes of Texts |
IT | Interactions Among Text Elements |
TS | Text Structure |
PP | Perspective and Purpose in Texts |
MF | Diverse Media and Formats |
AA | Analysis of an Argument |
CT | Comparison of Texts |
Code | Anchor Statement |
AW | Argumentative Writing |
IW | Informative and Explanatory Writing |
NW | Narrative Writing |
WP | Writing Process |
WR | Writing Research |
SE | Sources of Evidence |
RW | Range of Writing |
Code | Anchor Statement |
PE | Participate Effectively |
II | Integrate Information |
ES | Evaluate Speakers |
PI | Present Information |
UM | Use Media |
AS | Adapt Speech |