New Jersey Department of Education

Gifted and Talented Education

Building Multiple Pathways Towards Gifted Identification: Gathering Data to Support Gifted Identification

One of the key elements of the identification process is to gather evidence that demonstrates characteristics of giftedness. Using multiple measures that are quantitative and qualitative will provide various data points to assist in making a determination.  Data can be collected in the following four categories: Intellectual Ability, Achievement, Behaviors/Characteristics, and Demonstrated Performance.

The picture shows arrows pointing to the center which reads, Body of Evidence.   The arrows are each labeled individually.  The labels are Achievement Tests; Checklists; Talent, Ability or Cognitive Tests; Anecdotal Records; Questionnaires, Interviews & Parent Input; Performance & Observations; Additional Data; Behavioral Observation Scales; Universal Screening; MTSS/Rtl Data; Cognitive Tests.

Adapted from Colorado Department of Education, Office of Gifted Education. Used with permission. 


Page Last Updated: 04/09/2024

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