Targeted Assistance Programs

A targeted assistance program must serve only eligible children identified as having the greatest need for academic assistance by: ​

  • Using resources to help eligible children meet the challenging, State academic standards, which may include programs, activities, and academic courses designed to strengthen the academic program of the school and necessary to provide a well-rounded education; ​
  • Coordinating with and supporting the regular education program; ​
  • Providing professional development to teachers, principals, other school leaders, paraprofessionals, and others; ​
  • Increasing parent and family engagement in accordance with ESEA Section 1116; ​
  • Coordinating and integrating Federal, State, and local services and programs, if appropriate and applicable, to include violence prevention, nutrition, housing, Head Start, adult education, career and technical education programs, and comprehensive support and improvement activities or targeted support and improvement activities under ESEA Section 1111(d); and​
  • Providing local educational agencies (LEAs) assurances that the school will – ​
    1. help provide an accelerated, high-quality curriculum;​
    2. minimize the removal of children from the regular classroom during regular school hours for instruction; and​
    3. review, on an ongoing basis, review the progress of eligible children and revise the targeted assistance program, if necessary, to provide additional assistance to enable such children to meet the challenging, State academic standards. ​

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