NJ Seal
State of NJ - Government Records Council Email Grc


- Administrative Disposition

Administrative Disposition

Complainant: Thomas Gregory Kosinski                    

Custodian: Wall Township Police Department – Sgt. David Zurawski                                                             

Date of Request: December 5, 2005 

Date of Complaint: December 5, 2005

Case Disposition:


All documents responsive to the Complainant’s OPRA request have been provided to the Complainant in a timely and lawful manner.


Type of Administrative Disposition:  


Requested records provided to the Complainant in a timely and lawful manner.


Applicable OPRA Provision: 


N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5.g. states:


“… [a] custodian shall promptly comply with a request to inspect, examine, copy, or provide a copy of a government record...”


This is the final administrative determination in this matter.  Any further review should be pursued in the Appellate Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey within forty-five (45) days.  Information about the appeals process can be obtained from the Appellate Division Clerk’s Office, Hughes Justice Complex, 25 W. Market St.  PO Box 006, Trenton, NJ 08625-0006. 

Effective Date of Disposition:  July 13, 2006

                        Colleen C. McGann

                        Case Manager


Catherine Starghill, Esq.

Executive Director

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