Serious concerns about an individual's driving skills can be reported to the MVC's Medical Review Unit using the process described below. The Medical Review Unit screens and establishes cases based on referrals from medical professionals, police, courts, social workers and family members. Physicians are required by law to notify the MVC if patient suffers from a recurrent seizure, recurrent periods of unconsciousness or for impairment or loss of motor coordination due to conditions such as, but not limited to, epilepsy. (NJSA 39:3-10.4).
Anonymous reports cannot be accepted.
The American Medical Association (AMA) 1999 ethical guidelines states that all physicians are ethically responsible for notifying their state motor vehicle department if they believe a patient may not be able to drive safely.
In order to report a concern:
You may fax or mail the letter; see Contact the Medical Review Unit below for this information.