Certified Title Search

Certified title search (request a copy)
Title correction
Duplicate title (lost, stolen or damaged)
Canceling a new car title
Satisfying a lien
Transferring ownership
Vehicle registration application records
Registration renewal/request duplicate
Vehicles purchased without an existing New Jersey title (Improper Evidence of Ownership Procedure)

Upon transfer of ownership, application for a title must be made in the new owner’s name.  If there are no liens involved, you will receive a title document from the MVC, or from your dealer immediately (if you did not, see more information about new titles).

If you need a copy of the original title document, you may submit a request to the MVC for a certified title search.  You may also request assistance from the MVC if: the title document requires correction; the title document is lost, stolen or damaged; or if you wish to take a specific action such as cancelling the purchase of the vehicle; satisfying a lien; or transferring vehicle ownership.

Some of these transactions are handled through the mail only, so read through the above choices carefully to determine what steps you must take to complete the transaction.   Each topic includes a phone number with extension if you require additional assistance or information.

Certified title search (request a copy)

Complete the following steps to request a certified photocopy of a title (current owner information only):

  • A separate request must be completed for each vehicle. 

Online Request :

Mail Requests :

  • Fill out the Title Search form (DO-22) – you will need your driver’s license number and the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
    • Note:  Ensure both pages 1 and 2 are completed.  You may either print the form on both sides of a single sheet or print two sheets.
  • Make a copy of your driver’s license to submit with the form (DO-22).
  • Include a check or money order for $15 payable to the NJMVC.
  • Mail all of the above required documents to:

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Certified Information Unit
225 East State Street
PO Box 146
Trenton, NJ 08666-014

  • Check to ensure you have completed both pages of the form (DO-22A) and enclosed a copy of your driver’s license and a check or money order for $15 in order for your request to be considered.
  • Please call the MVC’s Certified Information Unit at 609-292-4102 if you have any questions.