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Office of Education
Human Resources
The Juvenile Justice Commission’s (JJC) Office of Education (OOE) is challenged to ensure that residents are provided with an educational program that is not only compliant with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (SLS), but also meets the needs of its unique student population and its various education settings.
The OOE provides students in secure facilities and residential community homes with access to high quality educational instruction. This educational experience focuses on student-centered learning environments grounded in rigor, relevance, relationships and real-world problem-solving applications.
The philosophy of the OOE is to engage students in challenging and meaningful educational activities in a learning environment that encourages every youth to succeed. Educators provide engaging instruction in the SLS, while also fostering the importance of personal responsibility and emphasizing high expectations to achieve student academic and personal success.
The OOE is committed to an integrated, culturally diversified educational environment, which treats all students uniquely.
The mission of the JJC's OOE, “… ensures that all students learn. We support their growth into knowledgeable, skilled and confident citizens capable of succeeding in their work, personal and family lives into the 21 Century.”
The vision statement of the JJC's OOE stresses that, "Every student will have the opportunity to access a high-quality program to prepare to be college or career ready."
The OOE provides students with a minimum of 200 hours of instruction in the following content areas: mathematics, social studies, science and English. Further, students receive a minimum of 150 minutes per week in health and physical education. Courses in world language, psychology, business, and art are also provided.
In addition, the OOE offers ten Career and Technical Education (CTE) program choices, with the overall goal of providing organized educational activities, structured learning experiences, technical knowledge and skills required to prepare for postsecondary education; and training for careers in emerging and established professions. The CTE programs include: cosmetology, C-Tech, graphic arts and design, carpentry trades, plumbing and pipefitting, computer repair, horticulture, animal husbandry, audio visual technology, music production and culinary arts. The OOE provides students with the opportunity to obtain work-ready certificates in Servsafe, OSHA 10, C-Tech wiring and audio installation, CPR certification, as well as additional work-ready certifications. Students are also provided with career assistance, engaging local businesses to create internships, job opportunities, and community service activities for JJC students.
The OOE provides an academic program combines with a CTE program that serves the unique needs of individual students, utilizing multiple pathways for students to unlock and achieve their true potential with the goal of transitioning students into meaningful careers and lives thus reducing recidivism and increasing positive personal transformation of students.
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