The Child Nutrition Program (CNP) consists of six components in public and nonpublic schools, residential and nonresidential childcare institutions, day care centers, family daycare homes, adult day care centers, recreation centers, and other agencies that qualify for this aid. Program responsibilities include developing, disseminating, evaluating, and approving all pertinent program documents required for participation; providing technical assistance in the areas of implementation, facilities improvement, and food service methods; on-site monitoring of programs for compliance with State and Federal regulations; and providing financial assistance.
State and Federal reimbursements are paid to school districts to offset the cost of school lunches and the cost of school breakfasts. In addition, school programs receive federal donated foods, based on the level of children participating.
The Commodity Distribution program requisitions, receives, handles, stores, and distributes federal surplus food made available by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for distribution to State, county and municipal institutions, schools, charitable and welfare organizations, and needy individuals. It also processes some of the federally donated basic food commodities. Inspections are made of all organizations and institutions for compliance.
The Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) distributes federally-donated food commodities to needy citizens through a network of food centers, food banks, and food pantries.