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Land Access Training Workshop #2

The first Land Access Training Workshop “Assessing Your Financial Readiness to Access Land” was completed in October 2018 as part of American Farmland Trust’s (AFT) “Farmland for the Next Generation” project, and a video of the entire workshop, materials handed out and the self-assessment are available on the SADC website staff also compiled a brief survey of those who pre-registered for this workshop (attached).

Now SADC will continue the series intended to provide beginning farmers with the skills and information they need to obtain suitable land by hosting a workshop geared towards Leasing and Purchasing Land. Participants will learn about the elements of a proper lease and what to consider when leasing; review purchasing options; identify the steps in securing a lease or purchasing land; and practice strategies for successful negotiation.

"Leasing and Purchasing Land" Workshop

Thursday, February 28, 2019

6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

NJ Department of Agriculture

369 South Warren St., Trenton, NJ (SADC page with info)  (to register)