Lynne Richmond
(TRENTON) – An educational symposium aimed at 4-H youth, FFA students, breed association youth and their volunteer leaders and advisors will be held on March 11, covering all aspects of animal agriculture and providing a non-competitive atmosphere for youth from different project areas, counties and schools to meet.
The program will be held at Rutgers University Cook College, and will cover poisonous plants, reproductive management, animal identification and specific animal issues for dairy, beef, equine, swine, goats, rabbits and poultry.
The cost for the symposium is $12 per person for the full-day program and $5 per family for poultry and rabbits (afternoon program only). The program is sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Agriculture (NJDA), New Jersey Junior Breeder Program, Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension and the Department of 4-H Youth Development.
Registration forms are due immediately. For forms or more information, call the NJDA at (609) 292-2888 or (609) 292-5566, or e-mail Lynn Mathews at