


“Portability" in the HCV program refers to the process through which you can transfer or "port" your rental subsidy if and when you decide to move to a location outside of DCA’s jurisdiction.

New families may not port immediately; you must live in DCA’s jurisdiction for a year before you can port out  to another jurisdiction. 

  • Initial PHAs -The PHA that first gave the voucher to the individual when they were selected for the program.
  • Receiving PHAs- The agency that will administer assistance in the area to which the individual moves.


DCA Portability Process


Port-Out Tenants

Must contact field office to submit the portability  request form <make the word form a link to the attached word document and to sign voucher.  When completed, the Port Out packet it will  be forwarded to receiving housing authority. If the family meets all eligibility criteria but is not income eligible based on the receiving PHA’s income limits, the family will not be able to move under portability. 


Port-In Tenants

Please contact your current Housing Authority to initiate the port out process.  All port-in packets from sending Housing Authorities should be emailed to the attention of ports@dca.nj.gov or faxed to 609-292-9653.  When a complete port packet, including all  required forms and the name of county to which the client wishes to port into is received, the port packet will be forwarded to the appropriate Field office for processing and will  follow up with the port in tenant directly.  As the receiving PHA, DCA will rescreen families who have moved into their jurisdiction under portability by applying our own policies for denial or termination of assistance as outlined in our administrative plan.


Federal Regulations governing portability can be found at 24 CFR 982.353-355.


Click here for: Request for Portability/Transfers