New Jersey Department of Education

Learning Acceleration Principles Graphic

The graphic is designed to illustrate the interconnected nature of the four principles:

  • Principle 1: Provide conditions for teaching and learning that will foster social and emotional well-being of students, families and educators;
  • Principle 2: Improve equitable access to grade level content and high-quality resources for each student;
  • Principle 3: Prioritize content and learning by focusing on the depth of instruction, rather than the pace; and
  • Principle 4: Implement a K–12 accelerated learning cycle to identify gaps and scaffold as neeeded.

Principle 1 is featured in the center of the triangle. Research indicates that in order to increase student achievement (or academic outcomes), the student’s social and emotional needs must be met (USDE, 2021, Darling-Hammond et al., 2020).

Principle 2, improving equitable access to grade level content and high-quality resources, is at the apex of the triangle. This positioning is to emphasize the critical role it plays in preparing all New Jersey students for post-secondary success.

Principles 3 and 4 are positioned at the base of the triangle. These are foundational actions that educators need to take to facilitate learning acceleration.

Learning acceleration requires a range of strategies, time, resources, and individuals with different roles will be needed to address gaps and facilitate recovery.

A larger triangle surrounds the four principles. The legs of this triangle are:

  • District and School Leadership;
  • Family and Community Engagement; and
  • Positive School Culture and Climate.

This larger triangle is aligned to New Jersey’s Tiered System of Supports, emphasizing that a positive school climate and culture, strong LEA and school leadership, and family and community engagement are essential for promoting quality instruction and learning. This positioning is intentional to remind Local Education Agencies (LEAs) that the principles of learning acceleration should be at the core of a LEA’s implementation of their tiered systems of supports.

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