New Jersey Department of Education

Useful Links


The NAEP Data Explorer (NDE) - access the rich and dynamic NAEP database to create tables and graphs. Get started with the Quick Reference Guide. Context-sensitive help is available on each page of the NDE.

The NAEP Comparison Tool (NCT) - compare state performance by various demographic groups. See Quick Reference Guide for help with the system.

The NAEP Questions Tool (NQT) - search, sort and print over 2000 sample NAEP items. See tutorial and the Quick Reference Guide to learn about the NQT. A help button is on every page.

The State Profiles - view the NAEP performance results and demographics for each state.


Other NAEPsites

NAEP: Looking Ahead Assessment into the Future, May 2012 [Highlights] [White Paper]

Current Activities - upcoming NAEP events.

Selected statistics about American elementary, secondary and postsecondary schools, students, and the educational process [2007].  These data were complied by the Institute of Education Sciences, Center for Education Statistics.

Chance Favors the Prepared Mind (2007) - a state-by-state comparison of U.S. and international students' mathematics and science proficiency using NAEP and TIMSS data at grade 8.

New Jersey Synopsis: Chance Favors the Prepared Mind (2007) - a summary of the New Jersey findings in the report above.

Comparing Science Content in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2000 and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2003 Assessment [Web Release Date: April 2006]

The Nation’s Report Card: An Introduction to The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) - a non-technical brochure that highlights the major features of NAEP, how data are collected and analyzed, and results reported.

The NAEP Assessment Schedule - planned assessments.

New Jersey and NAEP Accommodations - a comparison of the accommodations for NAEP and the New Jersey statewide assessments. (16 kb PDF PDF)

Accommodations Alignment:  New Jersey and NAEP - a more detailed comparison of the alignment of accommodations between NAEP and the New Jersey statewide assessments. 

NJDOE Accommodations and Modifications of Test Administration Procedures for Statewide Assessments

Parents’ Information - addresses issues commonly raised by parents.

NAEP Publications - the NCES electronic catalog.

What is Proficient? The No Child Left Behind Act and the Many Meanings of Proficiency.

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