In order to help speed the processing of an application, a candidate should review the following answers to questions that often arise.
For traditional route applications nominated from a New Jersey educator preparation program, the certification is issued as soon as the candidate accepts the nomination, completes the background information, and pays the appropriate fees.
For individual applications that have been properly completed, the average processing time varies during the year. The summer months are our busiest times due to the high volume of applications we receive during that period.
Regulations do not allow us to offer refunds. All applications receive the attention of an examiner during the application review. The fee covers the costs for time expended in providing a thorough review of documentation for your case, whether or not a certificate is issued.
Candidates can take courses at any accredited college or university in New Jersey or out of state.
You may also earn semester-hour credits through examinations offered by various organizations. Scores must be transferred as credits to an accredited college or university transcript to be accepted. Research the internet to learn about your options.
If you are offered a job before you receive your certification, the employing district may request an expedited review of the application. You must have obtained your certification to start employment. A complete, accurate application packet is required. Responsibility for assuring the accuracy and completeness of the application packet rests fully with each applicant.
New Jersey has specific forms of reciprocity with other states for instructional, educational services and administrative certificates under our regulations. You can view additional information on the reciprocity webpage.
All credentials will be reviewed to see if New Jersey certification requirements have been met. However, the applicant must first obtain a foreign transcript evaluation. The New Jersey Department of Education is not authorized to determine the equivalent of studies completed in other countries for education in the United States. Applicants should therefore consult a credential evaluation service by searching the yellow pages or internet. These agencies charge various fees for the credentials evaluation.
Applicants choosing to consult a credentials evaluation service should request the following:
- The equivalent of studies to a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited four-year college program;
- The semester-hour equivalent of each area of college-level study. Request the two-part evaluation that includes a course-by-course listing;
- The cumulative baccalaureate grade point average for teacher certification applicants.
Note: Employment experience from outside of the United States is not accepted.
- Job Placement
- There is no formal statewide system of job placement for public schools. Each school district has the authority to operate its own employment and recruitment program.
- The Education Employment Opportunities in New Jersey webpage is designed to provide New Jersey employment seekers access to open positions for educational employment by location.
- County offices of education or colleges may also provide information about job vacancies or placement information in their respective counties.
- Teacher Pension
Teacher pensions are administered by the Teachers Pension and Annuity Fund, 1 State Street Square, 50 West State Street, Trenton, New Jersey 08625 or call 609-292-7524. - Tenure and Seniority
Issues of educational tenure and seniority are addressed by the Bureau of Controversies and Disputes, New Jersey Department of Education, 100 Riverview Plaza, PO BOX 500, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0500 or call 609- 292-5705. - Nursery School Employment
Employment requirements for private nursery schools and day care centers, including licensing of group teachers and the issuance of day care center licenses, are regulated by the Division of Youth and Family Services, Department of Human Services, 50 East State Street, CN 717, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0717 or call 609-292-1021. - Substitute Teaching
Most school districts maintain lists of persons who are available to serve as substitutes in the absence of full-time teachers. Information about the requirements and procedures for becoming a substitute teacher must be obtained from the substitute credentials page. - Salary
Teacher salaries in New Jersey are determined by each local school district. Information may be secured from the office of the superintendent of schools for each district. - School Aides
Information concerning service as a school aide may be obtained from your county superintendent of schools.
You may appeal the decision for being denied certification. Visit the Board of Examiners webpage for further information.