New Jersey Department of Education

Alexandria Township School District Choice Profile for 2025-26 School Year

Alexandria Township School District
557 County Road 513
Pittstown, NJ 08867
Hunterdon County

District grades: K-8
Approved choice grades: K-8
Total number of students enrolled in district: 425

Choice parent information center phone number: 908-996-6812 ext. 1201  
Name of program contact: Andrea Damboise
Phone number & email of program contact: 908-996-6811 ext. 2254; 

Choice Program

The Alexandria Township School District consists of two schools located in Northwest Hunterdon County. Alexandria Middle School houses grades 4-8. The Lester D. Wilson Elementary School houses grades Pre-K – 3 and is located less than one mile away from its sister school. The Middle School offers an integrated daily program of Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science as well as Technology Engineering & Design, Computers, Spanish, Chinese and Art. The Accelerated Mathematics Program prepares students for advanced placement in High School. Many sports and extracurricular activities are offered. Technology is used extensively throughout the districts and every classroom is equipped with a SMART board, a student response system, a wireless slate and student computers.


Choice Seats Availability

The purpose of the chart below is to inform parents of choice seat availability before the application deadline in early December. After the deadline, the information will be outdated.

The Department of Education limits the number of choice seats that each district can fill. The “maximum number of new choice students that can be enrolled” tells parents how many new choice students the district can enroll in the next school year. If more than the maximum number of applications is received, a lottery will be held and a waitlist will be developed. Waitlists will be developed for all approved choice grades even if no seats are currently available. NA indicates the district is not accepting choice applications for those grades.

Maximum Number of New Choice Students that can be Enrolled: 0
School Name: Alexandria Township School District


Seat availability per grade

K Full (waitlist will be developed)
1 Full (waitlist will be developed)
2 Full (waitlist will be developed)
3 Full (waitlist will be developed)
4 Full (waitlist will be developed)
5 Full (waitlist will be developed)
6 Full (waitlist will be developed)
7 Full (waitlist will be developed)
8 Full (waitlist will be developed)
9 Full (waitlist will be developed)
10 Full (waitlist will be developed)
11 Full (waitlist will be developed)
12 Full (waitlist will be developed)



District Choice Policies

Indicate Yes/No/NA 

The district accepts Tier 2 students (see definitions of Tier 1 and Tier 2 ).


The district gives enrollment preference to choice applicants who have a sibling currently attending the choice district and who will continue to attend in the following school year, provided there are choice seats available in the choice-approved grades/programs and the students meet any program-specific criteria.


The district gives enrollment preference to choice applicants who have completed the terminal grade of the sending district (i.e., students who attend a choice district with grades that terminate before 12th grade and have a natural progression to this choice district), provided there are choice seats available in the choice-approved grades/programs and the students meet any program-specific criteria.


The district gives enrollment preference to resident students who move before the application deadline. If resident students move and file choice applications for the following year prior to the deadline, the district will give them enrollment preference (i.e., accept them after the enrollment preference students described in b. and c. above, but ahead of other applicants), provided there are choice seats available in the choice-approved grades/programs and the students meet any program-specific criteria. If the district has already reached its approved choice enrollment maximum, this preference will not apply.


The district gives special consideration to resident students who move after the application deadline. Students in this situation may apply as late applicants and be added to the front of the district’s waitlist, provided the students will enroll in a choice-approved grade/program and they meet any program-specific criteria. No additional choice seats above the maximum will be approved by the NJDOE to accommodate these students.


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