Dual Enrollment

High school students who dually enroll are more likely to:

  • Earn higher grades in high school
  • Graduate from high school
  • Attend a post-secondary university
  • Earn a post-secondary degree


New Jersey students have multiple pathways to earn both secondary and post-secondary course credits. Dual enrollment is one of these pathways. As a course, dual enrollment is one for which students may simultaneously earn high school and college credits.

Based on the reporting of the Dual Enrollment Commission, this website is a living resource providing guidance and tools for addressing common barriers to increasing dual enrollment with a step-by-step toolkit, promising practices, and contact information to support local education agencies and Institutions of higher education in collaborating for equitably advancing high-quality education to NJ Learners.

Dual Enrollment Toolkit

Dual Enrollment toolkit provides step-by-step guidance based on successful, existing dual enrollment courses and programs throughout the State, including templates, examples, references, and contacts for local education agencies (LEAs) looking to start this impactful work. The distilled and organized best practices support LEAs to expand dual enrollment seats immediately.

Sample Documents for Dual Enrollment

Many LEAs and colleges are working hard to reduce or eliminate barriers to dual enrollment courses and credits for students and families. Below is a growing repository of examples to support the start and expansion of dual enrollment programs across the State. LEAs and colleges may contribute using the dual enrollment email dualenrollment@doe.nj.gov.

Recommended Resources

The Maximizing Federal Funds website provides school and school district leaders, Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), grant administrators, educators, and other stakeholders with information about how different Federal funds may be used to meet their specific, identified needs. 

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