2024 Celebrate CTE District Highlights
The Allied Health - Health Sciences CTE program of study at Camden City School District provides students with an orientation to health care services and delivery. Students have the opportunity to earn an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification though a partnership with Virtua Health. This program provides an overview of the therapeutic, diagnostic, health informatics, support services and biotechnology research and development systems of the healthcare industry. This pilot program was launched at the Camden City School District in the 2023-2024 school year.
Partnerships are one of the foundational elements in the Perkins V Plan (New Jersey) (nj.gov) that supports career and technical education programs of study. The partnership between Camden City Public Schools and Virtua Health brings together leaders to meet the needs of the healthcare sector, cultivate skilled talent and build career awareness.
Photo #1 Pictured from left to right: Jennifer Pulaski, Training Coordinator, Virtua Health; Michael Hoopes, Training Manager, Virtua Health; Bruce Graham, Director of Education and Clinical Coordination MICU, Virtua Health; Dr. Ronald Klebacher, Medical Director, Virtua Health; Kate Duffy, Lead EMS Educator, Virtua Health.
Photo #2 Virtua Health, Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center, Berlin Campus
Somerset County Vocational Technical School
Students and staff from Somerset County Vocational Technical High School’s FFA Chapter participated in the FFA (nee Future Farmers of America) Advocacy and Legislative Leadership Day event at The College of New Jersey on February 22, 2024, where they had an opportunity to hear from state officials, business and industry experts and New Jersey legislators. This year’s theme, A New Era in Agriculture, focused on the technological advancements in agriculture and what students can do to prepare themselves for this evolving industry.
Pictured are FFA student members and Mr. Erik Fargo, FFA Advisor and teacher for career and technical education programs of study in the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources career cluster.