Identification of Multilingual Learners (ML) and Exiting Students from ML Status
In 2023, Chapter 15, Bilingual Education, of the New Jersey Administrative Code was readopted with amendments. To ensure students are effectively supported and provided the academic and social-emotional supports they need to thrive in school, a multi-disciplinary educational team must ensure:
- Required steps for identification into and exit from multilingual status for students ages 3 to 21, including students who are dually identified as a multilingual learner and a student with disabilities (N.J.A.C. 6A:15-1.3).
- Parent notification and rights to refuse services (N.J.A.C. 6A: 15-1.9(d-e) and N.J.A.C. 6A: 15-1.12);
- Annual assessment of multilingual learners in grades K-12 (N.J.A.C. 6A: 15-1.9(b)); and
- Monitoring and re-entry of former multilingual learners (N.J.A.C. 6A: 15-1.9(f-g)).
The information below reflect sections in the guidance for the identification and exit process of multilingual learners that was initially implemented in 2019 and any updates resulting from regulatory changes adopted in July 2023.
Note: The term multilingual learner is synonymous with “English learner” or “English language learner.” Sources which are cited from the United States Department of Education may still reference the use of the term English learner or EL. The NJDOE recognizes that multilingual learners may enter New Jersey’s schools with a level of proficiency in a world language other than English. The NJDOE will use “Multilingual Learner” and “ML,” respectively, to shift to asset-based language and honor a student’s primary language.