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State of New Jersey Department of Human Services  
Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
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"The mission of the New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired is to promote and provide services in the areas of education, employment, independence and eye health through informed choice and partnership with persons who are blind or visually impaired, their families and the community." CBVI was created in 1910 by the State Legislature and has several offices and facilities throughout the state. This agency works to provide and/or ensure access to services that will enable people who are blind or visually impaired to obtain their fullest measure of self-reliance and improved quality of life. It also seeks to assure them treatment as individuals with dignity and worth who are fully integrated into their community. The Commission recognizes three major thrusts in carrying out this mission, which are (1) providing specialized services to persons with vision problems, and (2) educating and working in the community to reduce the incidence of vision loss and (3) to improve attitudes concerning people with vision loss.


The New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired is headquartered at 153 Halsey Street, Newark. This central administrative unit includes the office of the Executive Director, Human Resources, Fiscal and Management Operations and the Coordinators of direct service delivery disciplines. Information systems, assistive technology, public information, staff development, the State Rehabilitation Council and the Board of Trustees are also part of central administration.


CBVI services and programs are available to all visually impaired NJ residents without regard to other disabling condition, sex, age, race, nationality or religious and cultural orientation. A person may be eligible for services if he or she is experiencing a vision impairment that is affecting his or her normal daily life activities.

  • VISUALLY IMPAIRED means that with the best correction an individual's vision is 20/70 or less in the better eye. (The person sees at 20 feet what a person without a vision impairment sees at 70 feet.)

  •  LEGALLY BLIND means that with the best correction an individual's vision is 20/200 or less in the better eye. (The person sees at 20 feet what a person without a visual impairment sees at 200 feet.) Also, an individual is considered legally blind if he or she has a restricted visual field limitation of 20 degrees or less. (The person sees 20 degrees of all the objects in their field of vision when a person without a vision impairment would see 180 degrees.)

CBVI Overview Presentation

CCTV Instructional Setup Video

CBVI's Major Programs and Services
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