Deaf-Blind Unit Staff work in conjunction with CBVI Education Counselors, parents, and various community agencies, by providing consultation to school personnel on best-practices for assisting individual who are deaf-blind (with varying degrees of vision and hearing loss) in making the transition from school to work. Deaf-Blind Specialists begin working with students at age 14.
This program is responsible for the coordination and provision of a full range of services that help promote employment outcomes for people who are deaf-blind (with varying degrees of vision and hearing loss)
These services may include:
- Assisting secondary school students (age 14 to 21) in making the transition from school to work
- Providing consultation to school personnel on best-practices for assisting in the transitioning and development of deaf-blind students
- Supporting individuals in post-secondary trainings centers, including colleges, vocational/technical schools, and community based rehabilitation facilities
- Assisting individuals in making decisions regarding their career choices through a rehabilitation counseling relationship
- Providing environmental analysis to adapat home and work environments to promote independence and success in the workplace
- Providing technical assistance on utilizing assistive technology, including Assitive Listening Devices (ALD) and Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf (TDD)
- Job placement services, including helping individuals keep their current jobs when they are in jeopardy of losing the job based on issues related to their disabilities
- Post-employment services
For more information on Deaf-Blind services contact: Charles McKenna, Assistant Division Director, at 973-648-3333 or email