SCCC Academic Center Groundbreaking Ceremony
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Newton, May 6, 2019 – NJEFA Executive Director Eric Brophy accompanied Sussex County Community College President Dr. Jon H. Connolly, Chair – Board of Trustees, William P. Curcio, and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Mercedes Aguirre Batty, in breaking ground on Sussex County Community College’s new, 13,000 square-foot Academic Center.
P3’s to Help New Jersey Colleges’ Funding Woes
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) critical importance to helping New Jersey’s public colleges, universities and other public entities solve infrastructure needs was the consensus of professionals and industry experts at the New Jersey Alliance for Action’s Public-Private Partnership (P3) Conference on Friday, March 15th.
2018 Year-End Review
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Consistent with national trends, the year 2018 for the New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority (the “Authority” or “NJEFA”) was characterized by a sharp decline in bond financing activity on behalf of the State’s colleges and universities.
NJEFA staff learns intricacies of public-private partnerships
Friday, January 11, 2019
On Tuesday, January 8, 2019 the Association for the Improvement of American Infrastructure (AIAI) visited New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority’s (the “Authority” or “NJEFA”) office in Princeton, New Jersey to educate NJEFA staff on the intricacies of public-private partnership transactions.
NJEFA Expands Services, Modernizes Tax-Exempt Leasing Program
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
On November 27, 2018 the New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority (‘NJEFA”) Board voted unanimously to reauthorize and launch NJEFA’sTax-Exempt Leasing Program (“TELP”). The modernized leasing program offers New Jersey higher education institutions a low-cost financing option for various capital needs. Under the new TELP, institutions may now lease equipment, vehicles, educational space, computers, software, and more, through the Authority.