Rate Counsel Letter (1/10/13) to the NJ Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee, "Utility Improvements Post Hurricane Sandy."
Remarks of Director, regarding Utility Efforts and Next Steps for Utility Improvements Post Hurricane Sandy, presented at the Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee Meeting, 12/6/12.
Remarks of Stefanie Brand, Director, Division of Rate Counsel, regarding Measures to Address Utility Infrastructure, Vulnerabilities and Other Issues Post Hurricane Sandy, presented at the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee Meeting, 12/5/12.
Remarks of Stefanie Brand, Director, Division of Rate Counsel,regarding bills A2966/S1925 (Revises Certain Solar Renewable Energy Programs and Requirements), presented at the Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee meeting,6/7/12.
Remarks of Stefanie Brand, Director, Division of Rate Counsel, regarding bill S1925 (Revises Certain Solar Renewable Energy Programs and Requirements) presented at the Senate Environment and Energy Committee Meeting, 5/17/12.
Remarks of Director, regarding bill A1383 (Amends Renewable Energy Definitions), presented at the Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee Meeting, 3/12/12.
Remarks of Stefanie Brand, Director, Division of Rate Counsel, regarding the State’s Progress on the Energy Master Plan’s Goals for Offshore Wind Energy, Presented at the Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee Stakeholder Meeting, 3/5/12.
Remarks of Stefanie Brand, Director, Division of Rate Counsel, regarding bill A4226 (Limits eligibility for solar renewable energy certificates; changes certain conditions related to solar renewable portfolio standards requirements), Presented at the Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee Meeting, 1/5/12
Remarks of Stefanie Brand, Director, Division of Rate Counsel, Regarding Bill S3032 (Increases renewable energy and energy efficiency requirements under "Electric Discount and Energy Competition Act."), Presented at the Senate Environment and Energy Committee Meeting, 9/19/11.
Remarks of Stefanie Brand, Director of the N.J. Division of Rate Counsel, Regarding S2664 (The "Market Competition and Consumer Choice Act;" alters State regulation of competitive services provided by telecommunications and CATV companies.), Presented at the Senate Economic Growth Committee Meeting, January 31, 2011.
Remarks of Stefanie A. Brand, Director, N.J. Division of Rate Counsel, regarding the Status of Water Utility Infrastructure, presented at the Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee Meeting, January 20, 2011
Remarks of Stefanie A. Brand, Director, N.J. Division of Rate Counsel, regarding A3442 (Establishes a long-term capacity agreement pilot program to promote construction of qualified in-State electric generation facilities.), presented at the Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.
For identical bill signed by the Governor, S2381( Establishes a long-term capacity agreement pilot program to promote construction of qualified electric generation facilities.), go to: http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/bills/BillsByNumber.asp
Comments of Stefanie A. Brand, Director of the Division of Rate Counsel, Sept. 21, 2010, Before the Board of Public Utilities, Regarding the Provision of Basic Generation Service ("BGS") for the Period Beginning June 1, 2011.
Remarks of Stefanie A. Brand, Director of the Division of Rate Counsel, Sept. 13, 2010, before the Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee regarding Bill A915, Authorizes Creation of Local Renewable Energy Generation and A3142, Directs BPU to undertake local government renewable energy generation demonstration project.
Remarks of Stefanie A. Brand, Director of the Division of Rate Counsel, June 14, 2010, before the Senate Environment and Energy Committee regarding Bill S466 (financial incentives to home heating oil customers using energy efficient equipment).
Remarks of Stefanie A. Brand, Director of the Division of Rate Counsel, June 14, 2010, before the Senate Environment and Energy Committee regarding Bill S2036, Offshore Wind Economic Development Act.
Remarks of Stefanie A. Brand, May 14, 2009, before the Senate Economic Growth Committee regarding Bill S2746 ( incentives to home heating oil customers using energy efficient equipment ).
Remarks of Stefanie A. Brand on December 11, 2008 before the Senate Economic Growth Committee and Senate Environment Committee Public Hearing regarding Bill S2428 (Formula Based Rates).
Market Manager Draft Recommendations on the 2009 Clean Energy Program Renewable Energy Programs
Advanced Metering Infrastructure – Implications for Residential Customers in New Jersey
Department of the Public Advocate, Division of Rate Counsel’s Draft Energy Master Plan Comments
Remarks of Stefanie A. Brand Director of the N.J. Division of Rate Counsel Regarding The Energy Master Plan, July 10, 2008.
Developing the State’s Energy Master Plan
Remarks of Stefanie Brand, Director, N.J. Division of Rate Counsel, regarding the 2011 Draft Energy Master Plan, presented at the Senate Environment and Energy Committee and Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee Meeting, August 18, 2011.