Office of Planning Advocacy

Department of State
Office of Planning Advocacy
The Hon. Tahesha Way, Lt. Governor and Secretary of State

Mapping and GIS Data Overview

The New Jersey Office of Planning Advocacy utilizes geographic information systems (GIS) to prepare a variety of map products.

The official map of the New Jersey State Development and Redevelopment Plan is called the State Plan Policy Map.  The State Plan Policy Map reflects planning policies graphically.  Therefore, the State Plan Policy Map serves as the underlying land-use planning and management framework that directs funding, infrastructure improvements, and preservation for programs throughout New Jersey.  Simply stated the State Development and Redevelopment Plan with the State Plan Policy Map is a dynamic vision of New Jersey’s development and conservation patterns.  With that in mind, the State Planning Commission incorporates new data from state agencies, counties and municipalities on an ongoing basis.

Layers constituting this map, and others, are available as geodatabases and/or shape files. Metadata is provided if available. Files are available as compressed (ZIP) files. Use of these data is subject to the conditions of our End User Licensing Agreement.

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