Department of Transportation

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News and Announcements

New Jersey School Zone Design Guide NEW

The New Jersey School Zone Design Guide is a resource for school boards, school administrations, municipal officials, police, parents and engineers to advance the goals of the New Jersey Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program. It provides guidance for those involved in the effort to enable and encourage children, including those with disabilities, to walk and bicycle to school safely.

The focus of the Design Guide is on engineering measures that can be utilized to make the environment to, from and around schools a place where children and their parents feel safe and want to walk and bicycle. It's based on the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) 2009 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUCTD) and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' (AASHTO) Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities and it highlights measures that have been developed and used in municipalities across New Jersey.

New Training Video and Web site for New Jersey Crossing Guards

The New Jersey SRTS Resource Center has released a new training video, Crosswalk Heroes: Techniques and Tactics for Crossing Guards, for use by crossing guard supervisors statewide. The video reviews:

  • New Jersey laws that support crossing guards
  • Crossing procedures
  • Expectations and duties of crossing guards, and
  • Importance of crossing guard uniform and equipment
This 12-minute video presents the main concepts of the New Jersey Crossing Guard Training Program and can be used as a refresher for experienced guards and a reinforcement of training for new guards. The new video and other information on crossing guard training and resources are available on the New Jersey Crossing Guard web site.

Schools Certification Program Launches

Sustainable Jersey for Schools is a certification program for New Jersey public schools that want to go green, conserve resources and take steps to create a brighter future. Launched in October 2014, Sustainable Jersey for Schools is a nonprofit organization that provides tools training and financial incentives to support and reward schools as they pursue sustainability programs.

To get started in the program, a school board must adopt a resolution of participation and then register at the Sustainable Jersey for Schools web site. Then each school in that district may register on the program web site. The web site provides the list of sustainability actions and implementation tools available. The actions include a SRTS District Policy, Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Promotion Initiatives and a School Travel Plan for Walking and Biking.

New Jersey SRTS Coalition

The SRTS Coalition is an advisory group of the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) for the SRTS program. The Coalition meets twice a year to discuss issues, share resources and provide general assessments of statewide SRTS needs. Members include representatives from transportation, education, law enforcement and health. Membership is open to anyone who seeks to promote walking and bicycling to school and make walking and bicycling safer for students.

If you are interested in joining the SRTS Coalition, please contact the NJDOT SRTS Coordinator or email us at

The Safe Routes Scoop Blog

SRTS organizers and supporters stay connected to the latest New Jersey SRTS news and developments via the Safe Routes Scoop blog. The blog is the new and improved format of the Safe Routes Scoop newsletter (past issues are available). It still has the same in-depth articles, news items, ideas and examples of SRTS projects. Subscribe now to the Safe Routes Scoop blog and stay informed.

New Jersey SRTS Discussion List

This e-mail service is housed at the New Jersey SRTS Resources Center at the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center, Rutgers University. It offers an opportunity to publicize events, share information and ideas and get help. Membership is open to everyone interested in SRTS in New Jersey.

Last updated date: October 3, 2019 10:04 AM